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Home » Twilight » If Twilight Turns Into Moonlight!!!!! » Chapter one:

If Twilight Turns Into Moonlight!!!!!

5 nov 2009 - 15:22




Chapter one:

Time passes, Even when it seems impossible, Even when each tick of the second hand,hurts like the beating of blood behind a bruise. He goes over irregular,In rare jumps and endless breaks. But he fails, Even for me! Aurora Pov:

My brother and I.
It has always been this way,so it will always remain,literally and figuratively.
Nobody could ever change that.
At this moment we were playing chess.
Not determined according to the rules, but it went fair, a bit.
Although I possessed the gift to look both into the future as into the past,I can see all his moves.
Thats why he asked Edward Cullen to help him.
So we both had the same opportunities.
After something that looked like an hour, he threw his king down.
No piece was set, but it was a great game.

I enjoyed every time I won.
He shook my hand and walked to the living room.
I walked the other way to my bathroom.
I grabbed my CD from Escape the fate and put it on while I was walking to my own bathroom.
It was early,six o'clock in the morning.
Who cares,make myself ready for school.
I sighted deeply and at once my mom stood behind me.
I was surprised after al those years about my moms beauty.
'Whats wrong, my dear?' she asked.
'I have absolutely no sense for school'. I said.
'Do like I said, chin up, nobody bothers you, they only are staring at you, I think.
That was something I also told your brother'
and I saw her hand cover the brush.
'May I?' She asked.
I sighed and smiled at her through the mirror.
'I take that as a yes.' and after that she started to talk again.
'You are lucky that you are looking like me.
Or else you was big and muscular like you're dad.' After she said that she laughed loud.
Her laugh was like the sound of bells.
She was done with my hair and she turned my face to hers.
'Achlys and Jack are waiting for you downstairs and remember what I said.'
I nodded and walked out of the bathroom.


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