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Home » Overige » Gedichten en songteksten » Escaping a lost call

Gedichten en songteksten

18 juni 2010 - 16:47




Escaping a lost call

Engels gedichtje..

searching for an escape
Always a lost call
Twisting and turning
Fighting and burning
As our soul is searching
Searching for an escape

Bleeding and hurting
Bending and breaking
As your body is searching
Searching for a lost call

Turning and crying
Shaking and lying
As you mind is thinking
Thinking to escape

Cold and still
Of gold but now ill
Your heart slowly giving up
Giving up on an escape
Giving up on a lost call


V0nneke zei op 29 juni 2010 - 18:35:
Mooi hoor
Al jou gedichtjes lijken net liedjes
Het enige wat mist is een refrein