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Home » Charmed » Hoe Phoebe en Cole weer samen kwamen » A pianfull question

Hoe Phoebe en Cole weer samen kwamen

23 aug 2010 - 23:38




A pianfull question

Phoebe krijgt een letter met een vraag, waar ze zelf ook wel een antwoord op wil

Phoebe opened the book she just got from Elise, her boss. It was a book full of quotes and fraises, and even spells about happiness and love. ‘Thanks Elise.’ She said, smiling. Elise smiled back at her and said: ‘No big deal. Happy birthday, Phoebe. Now get to work and write me an fantastic column to make me more money.’ Still grinning Phoebe got back to work. Last evening she had sorted out her letters in piles. The letters where sorted in: Answer now, keep in mind, store and throw away. In the throw away pile there where only letters whit unpleasant comment or unreasoned offers. Phoebe picked up the throw away pile and flipped trough the letter to make sure there weren’t any real fan or help letters in there. And it was a good thing she did because she came upon a letter she hasn’t read before.

Dear Phoebe,

I always read your column and I thought you where able to help me whit my problem. See, I’m a middle aged single women and my biological clock is ticking loudly, but I can’t seem to find a man that can compare to my ex-boyfriend. He made me feel special and seemed to make my live complete. But my brother did not like him, so I broke up whit him. Now he has left Miami and my brother is married. Whit a Brainless model, no less. I’m afraid I’m going to end up al alone.

Yours sincerely,
Mourning in Miami

Phoebe sighted. How do you answer a question you’ve been asking yourself for three years. Fine, Piper and Paige don’t have husbands Phoebe did not like and she did not ditch Cole because they didn’t like him, but that doesn’t change the fact that she’s al alone now. Or that no man could compete whit Cole. She puts the letter on the save pile and yarned. She fighting demons till six this morning so she was a little bit tired. To tired to work she decided when after an half hour she still didn’t have a word on her screen. She shut down her computer and stood up. She wanted to pick up the answer pile put dropped a pencil on the floor. A cool wind flushed through the office. The Mourning in Miami letter. Got lifted up by the wind and floated from the save pile to the top of the answer pile. Phoebe stood up and looked around al the widows were closed. She picked up the answer pile and dropped the letters in her purse.


ZoeyRedbird zei op 29 aug 2012 - 22:18:
O my gosh dit is zo cool!! Ik heb altijd al gehoopt dat phoebe en cole weer samen lwamen!!