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Home » Naruto » {English} Beauty Through The Eyes Of A Predator » Chapter One - The Camp

{English} Beauty Through The Eyes Of A Predator

31 dec 2010 - 21:23




Chapter One - The Camp

Hi there~ When I was in France last summer, I had this strange dream, and when I woke up, I immediately wrote down everything I remembered. ...I ended up writing for the rest of the week, and the result is this story, which, in the end isn't like the dream at all, but still inspired by it. The story takes place in an alternative universe, like our earth, but also has fantasy-things in it, and some jutsu's... You'll understand it after some time ^^ This is not really a chapter, more like a prologue, but it had to be posted apart from the next chapter, which is way longer, I promise! :D -x- Yentl PS: Thanks to Lord Rebecca-Sama (fanfiction.net) for beta-ing~

"Mom! No way! I'm not going to a camp for mental people!" Naruto screamed, jumping up from his chair.

"Honey," she placed a hand on his shoulder, in an attempt to calm him down. "It's not a camp for 'mental people'. It's a camp for physically disabled teenagers."

"I'm not physically disabled," Naruto shouted in return, shrugging her hand of his shoulder.

"But I called then and told them about… your… problem… they said you could come." She threw him a weak smile.

"No way. I'm not going there. Not in a million years."

"Naruto!" his father warned him, "We are your parents; we know what's best for you."

Naruto shook his head violently, "No. No way. First of all: you're not my parents, you just happened to have adopted me." Naruto heard his 'mom' gasp at his rudeness, but continued, "Second: I don't have a 'problem', I just have a voice in my head… and blackouts… but that could happen to anyone! It's not like a physical disability camp is going to help me with that." he took a deep breath, "Third-"

"Naruto, you don't understand your situation. You have a personality disorder, not just 'a voice in your head'. We decided on this, and you don't really have a choice in it," his adoptive father stated, with a look at Naruto that was supposed to put him back in his place.

"'Not really a choice', huh? You're forcing me!" Naruto screamed, then kicked back his chair and ran to his room. He locked his door behind him.

Fuck them both, he thought angrily.

Indeed, kit, indeed… A spooky voice answered.




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