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Home » Naruto » (English) 2011 » 2011

(English) 2011

1 jan 2011 - 1:35





God, this is such a crackfic. The half after the pagebreak was written around 1:23 am, and EVERYTHING is un-beta’d so excuse me any mistakes, stupidness, etc… Yeah.. xD It’s supposed to end with smut, but… I discovered I’ll need some more time to learn how to write that. There’ll probably be a sequel tomorrow :3 Oh, and of course: HAPPY NEW YEAR! Still have all of my fingers too, which is lucky as a writer :D (But well, I didn’t really light any fireworks :’)) Imma stop rambling now and go to bed, lol. xD Oh, and WARNING: It. Doesn’t. Make. Sense. o_O

01-01-2011, 0:00

“Happy new year, teme!”¯ Naruto grinned, holding up his champagne.
“Hn. Happy new year, dobe.”¯ Sasuke replied with a smirk, tingling his glass against Naruto’s.
“Hehe, now don’t be so grumpy!”¯ Naruto chuckled, and then drank a bit of his champagne, “Don’t start the new year with ‘hn’, start it with ‘happy’, like I did!”¯
Sasuke closed his eyes, and shook his head, “Usuratonkachi…”¯ he muttered under his breath, and then gulped down the rest of his champagne.
Naruto’s eyes grew big, “Take it easy, teme! That stuff’s got alcohol in it!”¯ He said, and then took another small ‘modest’ gulp from his own glass, as if showing the other exactly how such a thing should be done.
Sasuke chuckled, and carefully placed his fancy champagne glass back on the glass table. “At least I know how to hold my liquor. Unlike certain others…”¯
Naruto made a sputtering sound of protest.
“Certain blond others…”¯ Sasuke added, smirking at Naruto from the corner of his eyes.
“Bu-bu-!”¯ Naruto protested, and then, with flushed cheeks, the blond brought his glass to his lips and gulped down the whole content in one go.
“Ha!”¯ He exclaimed, placing the now empty glass on the table, with much more force than needed, causing a loud clank. “I can hold my liquor just as well as you, teme!”¯ Naruto said, rather loudly, his face flustered, “I just choose to loosen up a bit faster than you do, Mr. ‘I-got-a-ten-foot-icicle-shoved-up-my-ass’.”¯
Sasuke merely raised an eyebrow.
Then a new, darker smirk spread over his pale features, and his coal eyes started glistering dangerously. “Wanna bet?”¯ He purred, licking his lips.
“Oh, hell yes, I want to!”¯ Naruto replied, with an equal smirk.
They ran to the kitchen to get some more alcohol.

The fireworks were completely forgotten.


“Mmhhh… Sawwkshkee?”¯ Naruto slurred, “You hawwv pwetty haiiww…”¯
Sasuke rolled his eyes and continued trying to pry Naruto’s hands off the tequila bottle.
“Ihzw shineeyy…”¯ Suddenly, Naruto let go of the bottle, - which rolled over the ground, spilling the expensive liquid, and then disappeared underneath the couch - then he grabbed Sasuke’s head with both his hands, and pulled it towards him to nuzzle his nose in the raven locks.
“Shineeyy haiww!”¯
Sasuke breathed heavily in and out through his nose, trying to calm himself. “Let - go - of - my - head - dobe!”¯
“Buwwht ihz shwineeyy…”¯ Naruto protested, still with his nose buried deep in Sasuke’s hair. “Ahnd… I wahnth sewwx…”¯ Naruto dove down to Sasuke’s face and placed a sloppy kiss on the corner of the older boy’s mouth - he could not quite aim for the right spot, but he wasn’t sober enough anymore to notice he missed the raven’s mouth.
Sasuke pushed Naruto off him, although the promise of sex sounded tempting, he would like Naruto to actually remember their first time of having sex this year. Right now, his lover was, well… too drunk to fuck. “Tomorrow, dobe. Or technically; today.”¯
But Naruto didn’t hear him, or had decided to ignore what Sasuke said - probably the latter - and was now busy exploring the raven’s neck, with much more interest and drooling than usual.
“If you go sleep now, and wake up sober tomorrow, I will give you the hottest morning sex you could ever imagine.”¯ Sasuke said with a smirk and the sexiest voice he could manage with the current amount of annoyance running through his body.
That woke Naruto up. Suddenly, the boy was sitting up straight, and Sasuke didn’t have to use much of his imagination to imagine a waggling tail and a couple of upright ears. “Hottest swex?”¯ He whispered, suddenly regaining the ability to speak - slightly - normal.
“I’ll let you tie me up…”¯ Sasuke whispered, “and maybe even let you top.”¯ Knowing the blond, he would have long forgotten this by morning. And Sasuke wasn’t at all planning to remind him of it when he did.
“Well… Owff to bewd then?”¯
“Sure,”¯ Sasuke smirked. And you’re not getting any alcohol next year.


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