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Home » Overige » Gedichtjes [a] » The Hardest one to love

Gedichtjes [a]

18 april 2011 - 13:55




The Hardest one to love


The people who know the most of me
are the ones which I barely see
so I wont get hurt when they explain
the other children I’m insane

When someone I hate says something rude
It’ll almost never afflict my mood
But when someone jokes and says the same
I hate myself for what I became

First a thought and then a hope,
now a feeling with which I can’t cope
It doesn’t make a difference when
I hide myself just once again

The hardest ones to love are the ones that need it most


1 2

4passions zei op 21 jan 2011 - 20:12:
let me sign
fot your gifgt damn it!
deze vind ik ook al zo waanzinnig mooi!
jeeeezus he's so real:o

Sunrise zei op 8 jan 2011 - 12:52:
Supermooi! <333

Teysz zei op 7 jan 2011 - 23:04:
Mooi gedicht!

Neeriash zei op 7 jan 2011 - 21:47:
Love it.
Echt zo waar.
I love engelse gedichtjes sowieso al meer dan nederlandse, maar deze is toch net even iets specialer ^^

Renesmee zei op 7 jan 2011 - 17:30:
Jammer dat je hier geen respects kan geven..
Dan doen we het maar zo: