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Home » Overige » Friendly Invaders: Greetings from outta space » Chapter One: Last day of school

Friendly Invaders: Greetings from outta space

5 sep 2012 - 9:21




Chapter One: Last day of school

It was the day everybody at school was waiting for, the last school day. But first they had to survive there last class. Everybody wanted to go home. It was very hot and some students were sweating. And the teacher was teasing his class by drinking water all the time. And when he did that he'd put a big smile on his face.
For James, the weather wasn't a problem at all. The only thing on his mind was that he finally could celebrate the summer. He kept watching the clock going slowly forward. He hadn't planned anything this summer and neither did his mom. But he just wanted to be outside, away from school for two whole months.

In front of him, Penny was laying with her head at the table. Her honey blonde hair were spread over the table, in a way so you could barely see her face. James decided to poke her with his pencil. With a shock she turn around.
“Stop that”¯ she said through her hair. “It's too hot for that now”¯ she turned back and smacked her head against the table again. After that James didn't said a word.
Suddenly he looked at the clock, three minutes to go. He leaned over his table and poked Penny again. This time Penny took his pencil out of his hands and turn to him. She was irritated. “What”¯ she whispered. James pointed at the clock. She looked at it too now. Her green eyes spread wide open. She poked a girl next to her and told she had to say it was almost time.

Not even a minute later the whole class was watching the clock. Mister Danson (that is the teacher's name) didn't noticed anything and was sipping on his water. And when the last 30 seconds arrived they started to countdown, but quietly. James and Penny looked at each other and together they whispered: “3...2...1...”¯
The bell rang so loud, and the students screamed so loud, that Mister Danson threw his water over his desk. All the students ran out the classroom.
“Hey aren't you coming, James?”¯ Penny was waiting for her friend in the doorstep. “I thought you wanted to get out of school as soon as possible.”¯
“Yeah I know, but let me pack my stuff first.”¯

When the were out side they walked to the bus. The sky was clear blue, and even not in the distance, there weren't clouds. The grass looked greener than ever before. And the trees had full green bushes on there branches. Everybody was happy. Even the teachers, well most of them.
“So do you have any plans for this summer? Or are you doing the same thing as last year?”¯
“Mom didn't want a vacation and neither did I. So yeah, I'm staying home like last year. How about you?”¯
Penny sighed. She took something out of her bag. It was a brochure. “We had a big discussion this year about where we wanted to go. This is where I wanted to go.”¯ She gave it to James. On the front you saw a happy family, enjoying their vacation. At the top it said: Italy, una festa per tutti. He had no idea what it meant. But looking at the pictures it looked pretty good. James looked at Penny. She didn't looked happy at all. More irritated. “But Ben wanted to Korea and Howard wanted to see London again. And since we couldn't decide where we wanted to go, we decided to stay home.”¯
She looked sad and put the brochure back in her bag.
“Why didn't you asked me to come with you?”¯ asked James. “James that's too expensive. Think about the plane tickets and not even to mention the hotel. If I could pay that, I sure asked you.”¯
Suddenly the looked up. Everybody was gone and there were no buses either.
Together the walked home and talked about stuff. Everything looked normal that day and neither of them knew what was going to happen...


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