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Home » Tokio Hotel » Those eyes changed my way of thinking (billkaulitzlovestory) » hoofdstuk 2

Those eyes changed my way of thinking (billkaulitzlovestory)

7 maart 2013 - 23:33




hoofdstuk 2

hier gaat ze naar haar werk en ontmoet 4 jongens die ze in het begin héél ambetant vinden

Amy :

I'm at my work ,it's way harder than i thougt.
Boxes , very heavy ! phuu! I need to carry on 'cause i really need the money.


I looked and saw that Tom kaulitz ruïned all my hard work ! They're so annoying...
HEY!what do you think you"re doing !You may help me do it all over again !

Tom : hahah hunny we're the performars not the cleaners

whatever moron !

bill :

We were walking towards the stage for our soundcheck.
Untill Tom kicked over some props and a cute girl started to shout at him.

euhm excuse me girl, sorry about my brother. What's your name ?
Whatever ! And my name is none of your bussiness ! : she answered me.
What a rude girl --'' but she is still cute ! i'm just gonna help a little.

Amy again:

he's helping me after i've been so rude at him ;o
Euh.thank you for helping me ...
he didn"t answer..


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