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Home » Tokio Hotel » Those eyes changed my way of thinking (billkaulitzlovestory) » hoofdstuk 5

Those eyes changed my way of thinking (billkaulitzlovestory)

7 maart 2013 - 23:36




hoofdstuk 5

OMG , this morning i woke up and looked in the mirror and there i was looking like a zombie.
It's been a long time ago that i had such a bad hair day ;o . Unbelievable that i need to go to work looking like this .Well yeah , if somebody has to say something about my hair i'll just ignore them.

Whew,this time the stage isn't that dirty , what means less work ^^.This is actually pretty awesome work. alot of vacation and 2 breaks of 30min. and 1 break of 2 hours !! Maybe thats why i don't earn much.

'hey !' i heard from behind me,suprised the hell out of me to see bill standing there ! again !.'hii'
'Well,still 2 days before our concerts ends here.' 'Oh,so than you're going away?' 'Yes, but not far away maybe you could come to 1 of our concerts' what me going to a concert of tokio hotel ?! Okay they aren't bad but i'm more for metal and stuff 'euh i don't know maybe'i answered
'Can i know your name?' 'It's amy' I just ended that sentence when tom joined the concersation --'' 'What are we talking about ? Oh, and girl do something about your hair you look silly!' i could've expect that tom would be the one saying this.I turned around and just walked away ,not in the mood to argue.But i did see bill giving tom an angry look.

After the concert i needed to clean up the performers lounge.What a mess ;pizza boxes,bottles of water and much more.I decided to start direct 'cause this would take a while.After 5 minutes i heard the door open i looked up and saw Gustav standing in the doorway.I was already happy that it wasn't tom to say something about my hair again.'Euh,hi i'm gustav did you see my wallet anywhere?' 'No, but i'll help you search for it' ' thanks, oh by the way are you Amy the girl bill talked about ? ' 'FOUND IT ! and i think so ...'' Thank you,and when you see bill tell him that he need to stop talking about you.this is the first time i talk to you and i feel like i know you already :p''okay..' Why would bill talk that much about me? Hopefully not about my hair ! 'cause my hair is holy to me ! Fuck, i overworked than i suprise i'm tired . When i finish this room i'm going straight to bed.Tomorow morning i'll need to wake up earlier 'cause i need to eat a goood breakfast ,i'm not eating a lot anymore due to the late working.


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