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Home » Tokio Hotel » Love injection ;TC » 31/05/2008;chptr1

Love injection ;TC

11 juni 2013 - 20:33





Don't read if you don't like twincest

Friday, such a beautiful day. Except the fact that tonight the guys are going out. I said that i'm not in the mood. It's 6 am and i'm already awake and dressed. Every sound in the house crawls into my ear. The dripping of the coffee, the blowing wind, the snoaring dog and every move Tom makes in his bed. My eyes are falling down but i'm resisting to go to sleep. My mind would make up stories about me and Tom, really romantic but it always end in a disaster. Not that i like these feelings ! No, i think they are disgusting. If Tom would find out he would destroy me! Not only my heart would be broken but i would also lose my twinbrother! Now that would be the biggest lost.

All this thinking is so annoying, why doesn't it have an off button?! The clock shows me it's already 10 am. I hear Toms bed squaking and a few minutes later he stands downstairs. Like a god! His Dreads are hanging loose, he is only wearing his boxers and his amazing six-pack ofcourse. 'Hello' tom Said, while i was still dreaming away. 'Are you sleeping with your eyes open?' He asked while laughing. 'No,no i was just thinking about something. Hello back' 'so are you coming with is tonight?' 'No Tom, i already told you!' I answered rudely. With his hand he waves my answer away. "Don't need te yell..." He mumbeled. The dust flies around when i jump out the couch. Tears are already escaping from my eye corners. As fast as i can i run towards my bedroom. My pillow needs to endure my screaming and my wet make up. If Tom would know, he would be the one yelling ! Probably everybody would say that i'm overreacting. Imagine keeping Your love a secret for months when the person whom you're inlove with is always around. It's tearing me apart. Suddenly my door is going open............


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