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Home » Tokio Hotel » Love injection ;TC » 31/05/2008;chptr 2

Love injection ;TC

2 juni 2013 - 0:16




31/05/2008;chptr 2

Aub laat me weten of deze ff goed genoeg is

[BILL pov.]

i see Dreads appearing in the dooropening. My first reaction? HiDE! My pillow makes a little poofy noise when i push my wet face in it. 'Bill what's wrong? The only thing you are doing these days is crying.' I raise my head a little and mumbeled:' i'm confused...' A hand pulls my body up, the only thing floating thru my mind is KISS HIM, KISS him, kiss him. My eyes are glued to his, like they are bringing me to another dimension. 'That's not a reason to cry, just tell me.' Tom said with his kalm and sensual voice. 'I can't tell you!' It was out before i realised. Tom's face changed from calm to thunder. 'THAN DON'T TELL ME! I thought i was your brother!' Those words rolled over his lips like a nonstop waterfall and then he dissappeared from my room.

[ Tom pov.]

He is just like a little girl! Why won't he tell me! I'm his freaking brother! Aaargh!whatever i need to get dressed, we are going to partyy tonight! Me, andi, Gustav and georg. Bill obviously doesn't want to come and again without a reason. The last couple of months he is been acting all weird. But i know something is bothering him and i'll find out. Tonight is all about letting all my stress flow out of my body and maybe a hot girl. What am i saying, ofcourse i'll bring a girl. After taking a hot shower i jumped into me XL clothes, putted my Dreads under my hat and brush my theeth. Only one quest left for me to fulfill...EAT. My food was just finished when the doorbell rang what means it's time to leave. We are going to la tropicana:THE best club in town!

* time warp*

I feel the last drip of vodka sliding down my throat. We are about to leave and with we i mean me and Sasha. A beautiful latina with curly hair, big breasts and a great butt. A halfhourr it took to get to my house. Stumbeling and kissing we went upstairs and started to do our thing . Suddenly i heard shatteringglass and screaming after. The first time i left a girl alone in bed ut i have to know what happend. When i'm on the hallway i hear it's coming from the bathroom. I barge in to see my little brother's hand covered with blood and the bathroom mirror shattered all over the floor. 'Why did you broke the mirror?!' 'Leave me alone! Seems like you're to Busy to worry about me!' Why did he say something like that? I'm ignoring his answer and start to bandage his hand . The cuts arent really deep but still it's bleeding like hell! After i was done, i decided to go back to Sasha and finish what we have started. Even though Bills answer is still bothering me. ............


agent327 zei op 10 juni 2013 - 22:47:
O.o :'( poor bill
pliess pliess ga verder met deze story