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Home » Fairy Tail » Dragon's Tears » Chapter 4

Dragon's Tears

18 mei 2014 - 13:21




Chapter 4

Everybody but Lucy looked in shock, “Lu-Lucy?” Erza spoke, Lucy turned her head a bit to see the red haired woman on the floor in her eye corner and softly spoke: “Thank you for keeping him busy” she smiled a bit. Lucy turned her eyes back on the dragon that was called ‘Natsu.’ She cared his nose a bit, she let her hand explore his thick red scales as she locked her eyes into the ‘black holes’ of Natsu. Even if the eyes were black you could see the shock, even a bit of disbelieve that Lucy was in front of him, standing on her own bruised legs. She had something around her neck, it was Natsu’s scarf.

“Shhh… Natsu I’m back, everything is okay” Lucy spoke still caring his nose. It felt like the air was getting his normal temperature back and breathing became much easier. Grey, Happy, even Wendy and Charla were looking at the scene in shock. They could not believe that Lucy –who was terribly wounded- was standing right in front of the dragon in all her might and was caring his scaled nose with her right hand with the ‘Fairy Tail’ mark. Lucy looked down to her hand and spoke with sobs between her words “I.. will.. never.. leave.. your side.. again” she looked up and spoke a little louder “You will never be alone again! I will always be with you!” Lucy toke a deep breath.

“Because… I love you!”

She shouted with tears coming out of her eyes, with one hand she hold on to his scarf that hung around her neck. The dragon was stunned and his eyes got begun to get his normal color again and something unexpected happened. A tear came down his right eye, a dragon tear, nothing was as pure as a tear from one of the most powerful creatures in the whole world. A beast that didn’t cry if he had the worst wound in the world what hurts like hell, no, a dragon that can kill everything on his path without regretting it, was crying. Crying ‘cause the one he loved still lives and she returned his feelings even if he almost killed their friends. That tear was full of happiness and relief that his beloved still lives. Lucy whispered: “please… Natsu, become you normal self again” Lucy fell to her knees at shouted “please I want to see the Natsu I love again!”

Erza still sat behind Lucy with still tears under her eyes “Natsu you stronger than this, please come back to us!” The red haired mage shouted, the blond had totally forgotten that she was still behind her. “Fire-brain, did you seriously think that Lucy would give up so easily?” Everybody looked at the ice mage. The blond looked back at the dragon who was a bit irritate because of Grey’s comment and she spoke: “Natsu, everybody want you back, I want you back” The dragon looked back at the blond in front of his nose. The wind was starting to get stronger.

The wind rounded around him like a shield casting off the outsiders, dust flew around up and surrounded him till the beast wasn’t visible anymore, there was only a shadow within the strong screwing wind full of dust and ashes that flew of the grounds underneath the dragon. The shadow within was getting smaller till it was a bit bigger than a normal human height.

Lucy and the others were watching Natsu while the winds were screwing around him. Lucy held his scarf tight. The mages covered their eyes ‘cause the dust was now everywhere, but the blond still had her eyes locket on the shadow in front of her. The winds were starting to get less and the dust and ashes were falling back on the dry ground. There was one last blast of wind that blew all the dust away. This time Lucy had to close her eyes and she tightened her grip on the scarf. Lucy felt a person right in front of her, but it was bigger than a normal human. She lifted her head and looked right into beautiful familiar onyx eyes.

Right in front of her stud Natsu only a bit different than usually. Lucy was stunned she had to look up, of course normally he was already taller than her but now he was a full head taller and he looked different. He had dark red scales all over his skin but not on his chest, he had claws inset of his hand and feet with black large nails and his pink hair got a darker salmon color. But the most striking change were the blood red wings on his back. The inside of the wings were darker than the outside and he still had bright yellow at tips of his wings.

The stared into each other’s eyes with disbelieve. They both were frozen on their spots. “Lucy..” The fire mage spoke, “Natsu…you…” Lucy couldn’t finish her sentence and she fell on her knees. Natsu looked in shock and picked her up in bridal style. He walked over to Erza “were is Wendy?” The sword mage her condition was way better than from the blond and the red haired woman spoke: “she is in the destroyed cave” she pointed in their direction were the others were. Natsu felt terrible for what he did to his friends and for what he almost did…

He walked with Lucy in his arms over to the others who were shaking a bit. It was getting cold ‘cause the sun was behind the black clouds. He looked at his friends in regret for letting them get hurt so badly.”It’s not your fault” The pink haired looked in shock and looked in the direction of the air mage who spoke “It’s your nature to protect the one who’s dear to you” Wendy gave him a sweet smile. Natsu looked at her in disbelief, “I will ask again” Grey spoke “Did you really think that Lucy would give up without a fight?” He smiled and looked at him. Natsu felt a hand on his underarm, he looked next to him. Erza stood next to him and he knew she wanted to lay her hand on his shoulder but he was too tall. “Lucy has the strongest will of all of us, she wouldn’t give up that easy” she sat smiling a bit.

Natsu smiled at everyone and walked over to Wendy. “Wendy can you heal Lucy?” He sat on his knees next to her still with the unconscious blond in his hands. Wendy looked at her and then at Natsu “She lost a lot of blood she needs to go to Porlyusica and fast” she looked at Natsu with a serious look. The pink nodded and he looked at his friends. And then Grey asked a question that everybody had in their minds: “are you gone stay the way you look now?” Everybody looked at Natsu, wanting to know his answer. “I can switch it on and off” he said with his usual grin. He stud still with the blond in his arm, he felt her hand grab his shirt and he looked down and spoke “trust me you gone be alright.” He looked up into the sky full of black clouds, “you better wait till the sky is clear” Charla softly spoke, Natsu was still looking at the sky and spoke: “But Lucy needs to get to the doctor, she may not lose anymore blood and Wendy has no magic power, she exhausted.

Natsu clapped his wings and was ready to fly through the dark cloud full of thunder. He had no time to train his flying…


Orange zei op 29 mei 2014 - 10:48:
Is dit het einde? Het is een goed einde maar het zou ook leuk zijn als er nogmeer hoofdstukken waren. Btw love it! FT 4ever