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Home » Dragon Ball Z » Dragon ball Z Multiverse » Arrival

Dragon ball Z Multiverse

3 juli 2014 - 0:26





Universe 22 is where Koorato was King of Planet Vegeta after defeating Bardock until Frieza's brother and father decided to blow it up, so all Saiyans except for their two elite teams resided on Namek while Koorato and his teams resided on Earth with Goku and Friends. In this Universe Goku and Kakarot are two separate people but are both Saiyans. Gohan and Goten aren't Goku's sons. Goku Jr. is Goku's son. Pan isn't Goku's granddaughter. There are doppelgangers of Bulma, Chi-Chi, and 18. This takes place after Majin Buu was defeated. There is no Uub in this Universe. Gohan does meet Videl and they get married. Koorato married Fasha and had two sons, Koor & Nox, who are 16 now and a daughter, Midori, who is 6. Koorato's POV. Ssj4 & Ssj5 exist in this Universe. In Universe 16 Bra is Goten and Gohan's sister.

"Woah, lot of other universes" I said "Hi" a person from Universe 21 greeted "Hello" I greeted back "I'm gonna check out some other Universes" I said hoping out of the area, I flew over to Universe 18 who was having a conversation with Universe 13 "Hello" I greeted "Not now kid, we're talking" Vegeta13 said "Oh come on Veggie, don't be so rude" I said, the other Saiyans in Universe 13 were snickering while Vegeta13 was throwing a fit "So, what's your Universe like?" I asked Goku18. Goku then introduced his family and friends "Wait, so Gohan and Goten are your kids, Pan is your granddaughter and the daughter of Gohan and Videl, and you're referred to as Kakarot by Vegeta" I went over "Yep" Goku18 said "Weird, cause in my Universe Gohan, Goten, and Pan aren't related to you and Pan isn't the daughter of Gohan, and you and Kakarot are two seperate people" I said "Huh, that is weird" Goku18 said. {Fighters! Please return to your own areas! The matches are about to begin!} Everyone returned to their areas as instructed and waited for the first match to be announced {First match! Mahissu from Universe 10 against Nail from Universe 10} It was a short match, Nail was a lot stronger than Mahissu and won easily {Next match! Frieza from Universe 8 against Koor from Universe 22} "Well, I'm up" Koor said and flew to the arena "Good luck son! And be careful! Frieza's a tough one!" I yelled "I'll be fine!" Koor called back. Koor just shot Frieza with a simple Ki blast and he died, he then flew back to his area "That wasn't so tough" Koor said "It was for me when I killed him, I was your age at the time, I was lucky he was in a reduction form or else I would've been dead" I said {Match 3! Videl from Universe 9 against I'K'L from Universe 15} "Huh! But I'K'L isn't born yet!" I'K'L's carrier said {Videl wins by forfeit! Match 4! Bojack from Universe 6 against Pan from Universe 16} "Cool, it's my turn!" Pan16 exclaimed "Pan?" Gohan16 asked "Yes, Dad?" she answered "Be very careful" he said. Pan16 flew into the arena with Bojack and started the fight "This will end quickly" Bojack said, he then charged at her trying to hit her but missed and destroyed the ground instead "Fast little girl..." Bojack said *Dad is right. He is strong, I must give it my all* Pan16 thought, she then powered up to a Super Saiyan "AAAH!". "Here it goes!" Pan16 shouted, Pan was throwing punches left and right while Bojack was blocking until she landed one strong punch "Grrrr..." Bojack growled *Nothing?* Pan thought "KaMeHaMe-" Pan flipped behind him "HA!" "Go Pan!" Videl16 shouted, the smoke then cleared "Great Pan! You Won!" Videl16 shouted "No" Gohan16 input "The fight has only begun". Bojack then transformed destroying the arena even more *His power has increased!* Pan thought, Bojack then teleported in front of her "What?" Pan said "You little brat..." Bojack said as he grabbed her by the neck "No!" Gohan16 Bojack squeezed harder and harder until 'crack' "No..." Videl16 said on the ground crying, Pan from Universe 18 was crying as well, Bojack threw Pan16's body.


femkjemw zei op 17 dec 2014 - 21:13:
awesome story i like dbz multiverse haha XD