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Home » Harry Potter » Wolfstar » Wolfstar


18 aug 2014 - 23:13





It's a one-shot but if people want more then I might continue on it :3

The brightest star in the sky

Sirius yawned. He hated sitting at home doing nothing. He never left his room anyway, not during the summer vacation. His parents didn’t mind. The less he showed his face, the happier they were and so was he. He didn’t mind being left alone and taking care of himself but he did mind not seeing his friends. He had gotten letters from James, as usual his best friend had been on vacation with his parents to some far off country and was bragging about it and the girls he had seen that he’d pictured Sirius with. Sirius had only shook his head laughing at the letter and replied that if James wanted him to find someone he had to look a lot closer to home. With a lot closer he meant right in front of his face to one of their own friends. Remus Lupin. Every time Remus had send him a letter his heart had skipped a beat. Remus was kind and understanding in his letters, saying he wished he could come and safe Sirius from his parents and younger brother but he had some trouble at home to. His parents were still overprotective and afraid that he’d hurt someone. Remus was a werewolf, not that Sirius cared, nor James or Peter. They all had accepted him knowing that he wasn’t dangerous and he wouldn’t ripp their throats out…well not intentionally at least. Just 2 more weeks and then they’d go back to Hogwarts and Sirius couldn’t wait. He hadn’t even unpacked his trunk. He looked up when there was a knock on his door, Sirius had been lying on his bed staring at the ceiling. The door opened and his younger brother Regulus was standing in the opening looking at his brother “I’ve got letters for you. And mom says she wants you to go to Potter as soon as possible.” Sirius grinned “Why? Is she tired of me already? It’s not like I’ve been in her company a lot.” Regulus shrugged “I don’t know nor do I care. I only came to tell you what she told me and to hand you over you’re letters.” Sirius jumped up and walked over to his brother, took the letters and slammed the door closed in Regulus his face who yelped. ‘good’ thought Sirius who knew the door had hit Regulus right in his face. It gave him a few moments of satisfaction before he opened his first letter that was from James telling him he’d be home in a week and that Sirius could stay over the rest of the vacation then. That… was another 7 days in this house no thank you! Sirius shook his head and replied to his best friend that he’d rather kill himself then stay in this house for another minute. Then he opened the next letter that was from Remus and he smiled. Remus had convinced his parents to let him stay over.


I talked to my dad. He said that it was okay if you’d stay over for the upcoming two weeks since there’s no full moon inbetween you should be safe. His words not mine. James will join us when he gets home from his holiday.

I expect you here on my doorstep this night. I know you’re parents won’t mind dropping you off since they’d rather see you gone anyway. I’ll be waiting

- Remus”

Sirius laughed out loud and thanked Remus in silence for his brilliant mind and sly tongue. Sirius knew it wasn’t easy to convince Mr. and Mrs. Lupin but he did it anyway! So… he could spent a whole week with just Remus? Good. Maybe he could gather the courage to tell him how he really felt about his friend. James didn’t know, no one knew really. Except perhaps Lily since he always looked at him with this look and then looked at Remus.. He didn’t understand it but then again, he had never understood women and Lily hated him and James. James didn’t wanted to admit that but Sirius knew that Lily would rather curse him into next week then say one word to him.
Sirius got up from his bed and started throwing the stuff he had taken out of his trunk, back into it so he would have everything he needed. He still hadn’t gotten his book list from Hogwarts so he would have to go to Diagon Alley with Remus. He walked downstairs when he was done packing with his trunk floating behind him. He was only 15 but the ministery wouldn’t know who used magic in his house anyway since his parents were ofcourse, pureblood wizards and we’re very influencial at the ministery. No one would dare scold them if they valued their lives to Sirius could use magic whenever he wanted. Not at Remus’ though.. his mom was a muggle so Sirius would have to lie and tell his parents he was going to James and not Remus otherwise they wouldn’t let him go. They were so obsessed with pureblood wizards and witches that they hated literally everyone who wasn’t pureblood. But then again they hated him to just because he got sorted into Gryffindor. “Mom!” he yelled, his mom threw the door of the kitchen open and looked at him with a look of pure disgust, Sirius was used to that so he wasn’t exactly impressed. “What?” she snapped and he grinned “I’m out. I’m going to James. You don’t have to dropp me off it’s not far from here.” James wasn’t … Remus though. He had to take a bus to get to him but his mom didn’t need to know that.

Remus was nervous, he shouldn’t have to be. It was only one of his best friends that came over not the queen of England. And yet he was nervous…maybe because he was ready. Ready to tell Sirius how he felt about him. Remus only hoped Sirius wouldn’t laugh at him and tell him he was insane or anything. He had told Lily he wanted to tell Sirius he had feelings for him and Lily had encouraged him to do it. He had asked Lily to go out on a date with James but she had laughed and told him she’d never not in a million years, or even if he was the last person on earth, would go out with him if he didn’t lose the attitude. Frankly, Remus couldn’t disagree with her. James did have an attitude, he always had. Not only because he was handsome but also because he was intelligent and talented, but he still couldn’t win It from Sirius. Sirius was different… his dark hair and grey eyes that could see right through your very soul. He was dark, tall and handsome and also very intelligent like James was. Remus was smart to but he still had to study for tests and do his homework, his friends could just go in take the test and get an outstanding, only Sirius never really bragged about being awesome he was more modest and that was wat Remus liked about him. He shot up from his seat when the doorbell rang and he ran past his dad ,who was already on his way to the door, to open it himself. He pulled the door open with such force that he almost knocked himself over but recovered and looked at the handsome face in front of him. Sirius had raised his eyebrows and was looking at him with those grey eyes… Focus Remus! “Hi.” He said a bit awkward “Hiya. So you gonna let me in or do I have to stand here all night with a trunk that’s actually pretty dang heavy if you can’t use magic.” He asked and Remus grinned “Sure.” He stepped aside so Sirius could come in, his dad had caught up with him, saw that Sirius was already inside, turned around and walked away “Dad! Could you, bring Sirius his trunk upstairs? It’s kinda heavy…according to him but then again Sirius is a bit of a wuss.” Sirius’ looked back at Remus “Excuse you?” he said with a small smile and Remus his grin got bigger “You heard me.” Sirius wanted to open his mouth to reply but John Lupin already came inbetween “If you guys start fighting already I’m going to luck you up in your room Remus.” Remus raised an eyebrow. As if he would mind being locked up in his room with Sirius. No..no not really. Sirius stiffled a laugh and turned it into an innocent cough.

After dinner Sirius and Remus retreated to Remus his room and sat down on Remus his bed just talking about school, James, Peter and Snape. Remus still didn’t wanted to participate in bullying the Slytherin who had been friends with Lily until recently. “I’m not going to hex him just because he is passing by Sirius.” Remus was lying on his back on his bed and looked at Sirius who was sitting next to him with a book in his hands “why not? I mean he’s ugly, he’s annoying, he tries to curse James every chance he gets and he called Lily a mudblood.” “That’s not the real reason and you know it. You and James hated him from the second you met him in the Hogwarts express and that was because James was being a dick.” Sirius laughed “Oh come on Remus. He deserved it. He called us brawny.” “No he said if we’d rather be brawny instead of brainy. He didn’t really say that we were brawny. You should pay more attention to what people say Padfoot.” “I pay attention to what you say.” Remus got up “Yeah, cause we’re friends and I’m a prefect.” Sirius laughed “No you being a prefect isn’t exactly the reason I listen to what you say. You know James and I don’t really care who would’ve gotten the badge.” Remus rolled his eyes “True.” Point taken… “Then why?” Sirius fell silent and Remus looked at him expectantly. “Well … there is a reason but I don’t want you to freak out..or laugh at me…or push me away or punch me in the face.” Remus frowned and then raised an eyebrow “I always wanna punch you in the face so I can’t promiss that.” He said with a small smile and Sirius bumped him on the shoulder “Just hear me out okay?” He asked and Remus just simply nodded, curious of what Sirius had to say. Sirius took a deep breath and looked at his hand who he had folded on his lap “I .. well .. I don’t know exactly how this happened or when but.. I kinda have a crush on you.” Remus his eyebrows shot up “Excuse you?” he asked politely as if he hadn’t heard it correctly “I like you Remus. And with ‘like’ I mean I have feelings for you…” Sirius turned bright red and kept staring at his hand who he suddenly found very interesting, the family ring of the blacks shining on his ring finger, he always hated that thing but now it was the most beautiful thing he had seen until Remus had opened his mouth “Well..that changes things.” Sirius looked up to see that Remus had a small smile on his face and a head as red as a tomato. “Why’s that?” “Well.. I was planning on telling you the same thing. You beat me to it.” Sirius his mouth popped open “Sorry what ? I didn’t quite catch that Moony” Remus rolled his eyes “I like you to Sirius.”

”So what? You guys are dating now?” James looked at his friends who were holding hands and had just told him that they had feelings for each other. Sirius was the first one to speak “Well, sort off. We kinda want to keep it a secret for just a little while..at least until we ..you know-“ “No I don’t know actually. What’s the hold up?” they hadn’t expected James his reaction. They had thought he would’ve laughed or would’ve gotten mad cause this would change a lot in their friendship and Sirius and James his nighly adventures. “So…you are okay with it?” Remus asked “Of course I am okay with it I was already wondering when you two would finally get the nerve to tell each other. It was driving me crazy and I almost told you guys myself.” James was obviously pretty proud of himself to have restrained himself from pushing his two friends towards each other. Well that was one problem less. Peter had reacted a bit differently, as if he could burst out in tears any moment. Maybe Peter had been in love with Sirius himself. Though it always seemed he admired James more. “Peter you okay? You’re not gonna pass out on us right? I would hate to drag you out of the way so no one trips over you… “ Said James with a pathetic look at the little guy next to him. “I think Wormtail is in shock Prongs.” Said Sirius with a grin “Maybe you should wake him up.” James had a devilish grin on his face “James! No!” Remus tried but it was already to late, before any of them could blink their eyes, Peter hung upside down in the air. “Oh for the love of…” mumbled Remus who walked away knowing what would come next. Sirius laughed loudly “Let me go guys! This is not funny. Come one James!” Peter yelled, panicked. “Well then tell Sirius you’re sorry for looking like you we’re going to throw up when he and Remus told us they we’re dating.” Peter cursed under his breath “I’m sorry Peter what did you say?” “I’m sorry Sirius.” He said angry and James let him down. “That’s better.” Sirius shook his head “No offence Peter.” He looked apologetic to his friend who smiled a little “Well let’s get our stuff and go to Diagon Alley. I need new robes and we need new spellbooks. Sixth year is going to be easy but we still need to make homework..” said Remus who came back with their book lists. “Ah men… Look at the books we need for defence against the dark arts!” James looked at his list with wide eyes “My parents aren’t going to be happy with this.” “You think mine will? If they see how much money I am going to take from the vault they’ll skin me.” Sirius grinned but Remus looked worried “They won’t be that mad right? You need those books and no offence Padfoot you do need new robes as well.” Sirius laughed and put his arm around Remus his shoulders “You know my mom. She’d rather have I walk around naked then take her money.” Remus turned scarlett red and mumbled something only Sirius could hear who turned red to. James narrowed his eyes at them “What are you guys whispering?” “Nothing” they said in unision. James clearly didn’t believe it but walked away to Peter who was already outside waiting for his friend. Remus and Sirius stayed behind for a bit “You know, you can’t say that sort of things in front of James and Peter.” Said Sirius sternly and Remus smiled “Maybe. But you’re face is so worth it.” Sirius looked in the mirror and saw he was flushed “It’s kinda cute.” Remus said and gave him a quick peck on the cheek before he went outside leaving Sirius frustrated and wanting for more…damnit.

- 3 years later

”We’re done! … I can’t believe we finished school.” Remus said looking at Hogwarts for one last time. They were waiting for the hogwarts Express to leave and they could vaguely see the sillhouete of the school in the distance “I can’t either..” Sirius had both arms wrapped around Remus, opposite of them Lily and James we’re busy snogging each other and Peter was no where to be seen. Not that any of them cared much. Peter had acted so strange this last few months of school. “Prongs, you have a moment?” James pulled his lips free from Lily’s and looked a bit annoyed at his best friend “Padfoot, I am a little busy” “Oh I can see that you have the whole drive back to London to be busy in another compartment.” James raised his eyebrows and grinned “Oh I see, You two lovebirds wanna be alone huh?” “Don’t you ?” Remus asked with a look at Lily who giggled. “As a matter of fact yes I do. I will see you guys when we are back in Londen!” James got up, grabbed Lily’s hand and the both of them dissapeared to an empty compartment. Sirius got up, locked the door and closed the curtains. “There. Much better.” He said and Remus laughed. “What are you planning Black?” he asked curiously. “Well I wanted to ask you something and I rather ask you without anyone looking or listening in.” suddenly Sirius was very nervous and Remus wondered why.. he hadn’t seen Sirius this nervous since they had sex the first time which had been awesome if I might add. They had been nervous but it had also been sweet, tender and careful. Remus tried to push the image of a naked Sirius back but didn’t exactly managed to lose his desire that came with the images. “Well… Since we’re done with school… I wanted to ask you…” Remus looked at his boyfriend expectantly with one raised eyebrow waiting for more “yes?” he prodded, encouraging Sirius to continue. Sirius swallowed, got down on one knee and Remus his eyes widened. “Sirius wha-“ “Shh” Remus closed his mouth imediately “Remus John Lupin, Since 5th year we’ve been together, almost 3 years later we’re graduated and we have our whole life ahead of us.. I want to ask you if you want to share the rest of your life with me.. Will you marry me?” he pulled out a little box from his pocket and opened it. A simple, silver ring was inside it and Remus his mouth dropped open. Various thoughts shot through his mind, things he wanted to say so it would be just as romantic as Sirius had ask him but the only thing that he could think of saying was “Sirius… Yes I will.”


SiriusBlack zei op 24 nov 2014 - 17:27:
Wow! Goed verhaal!