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The Seelie Queen's revenge

18 dec 2014 - 16:25





Here's a start. It's almost Simon's birthday !

”You know, for someone who hasn’t been a Shadowhunter for that long you are quite skilled with a seraph blade.” Clary rolled her eyes at Jace who looked down at her with the stupid grin on his face that Clary had fallen in love with. “I had a good teacher.” “The best.” Clary shook her head and looked at the puddle of slime and goo that was left of the demon she had just killed. It had been gross beyond words but she was used to it now. Simon had a harder time getting used to being covered in cuts and bruises...and slime. She looked over at her best friend who was still trying to get the green stuff off of his gear and laughed “Seems like Simon needs a lesson in don’t caring about hygiene while hunting.” she said and wrapped her hands around Jace his neck. He smiled and his eyes had began to shine happily “You’d think that Izzy would’ve made sure he had no problem in getting dirty.” Clary scoffed and pulled a face “Please Jace, I don’t want to know and you know Izzy likes him but she still doesn’t love him like she did when he was a vampire.” “Which is kind of weird since he’s practically the same person again only now he’s a shadowhunter and not a bloodsucker.” “I heard that Herondale!” Simon came walking towards them with a look on his face that showed only amusement. “Well good for you. So you’re sharp hearing rune is working.” “Did you doubt my ability to create new runes?” Clary looked at him shocked and Jace laughed “I don’t ever doubt you Clary , I doubt Simon’s ability to actually make use of the runes.” “You’re a prick.” Simon shook his head “Can we go back to the institute? I’m in desperate need of a shower and so are you guys.” Clary looked down at herself and saw the slime and goo drip down on the floor from her gear. “He is right.” Jace said while he tried to pull away from Clary, she just held on tigher and Simon rolled his eyes and walked away “I will see you there!” he called out before he dissapeared into the crowd. No one would notice him anyway not with the glamour rune. “So now that Simon’s gone...” Clary said in a mysterious voice. Jace let out a low chuckle “You are not seriously suggesting THAT in the middle of a battlefield with slime and goo all over the place right?” he said. Clary grinned “No I was actually just planning on kissing you and then discussing Simon’s birthday party.” “Well let’s get on with the kissing then. After that we can walk home and discuss Simon’s birthday.” Clary grinned and kissed him. It started out as a slow, tender kiss like it always did, but it got deeper and hotter almost instantly.
By the time they broke apart they were both breathing heavily and their pupils we’re blown wide “We should go back to the institute before we’re ending up covered in more slime...” Jace whispered and Clary just nodded not sure she could even speak.
Things had been different after everything happend...with Sebastian..or Jonathan really. After they had been freed from Edom by Magnus his father who happend to be one of the princes of Hell, Asmodeus. Simon had lost all his memories of the Shadowworld and them, and he lost his vampirism which was a plus side. They had been trying to get him to remember things for weeks until Magnus was tired of it and just performed a spell that got him some of his memories back not everything otherwise Asmodeus would be alarmed and that would not be good. “So Simon’s birthday.” Clary started as she pulled away from Jace, she laced her fingers through his and started walking back to the Institute. Jace smiled “Yes. Simon’s birthday. He’s turning 18 right?” “Yeah. And I know Magnus said he’d handle everything and it would be the most magnificent party he’d ever threw but I’m a bit worried... You know Magnus he always goes overboard and I don’t think the Lightwoods would appreciate so much Glitter in the house...” Jace chuckled. “Well as long as we clean up the mess ourselves I don’t think Maryse would mind.” “Maryse maybe because she knows that Magnus can clean up the mess with a snap of his fingers but Robert..” “Robert is leaving to Idris tomorrow. He’s not going to be there for the party. He’s the Inquisitor remember. He’s more in Idris then with his children.” Clary noted that Jace sounded bitter and resentful and she looked up at him. “I know you hate that he hurt Alec and Izzy but he’s trying Jace. You can’t expect more of him.” “I can expect him to be around more.” Clary let out a deep sigh “Look I know you Herondales are stubborn but trust me on this, he’ll come around and so will Alec and Izzy. They’re back on talking terms right?” “Yeah. Robert finally accepted that there was nothing he could do about Alec being in love with a male Warlock who happend to be the most powerfull Warlock we’ve ever heard of. Robert still has some doubts about the Downworlders.” Clary thought about the problem’s they had with the Fearies. They were up to something, Magnus knew it, Caterina knew it, they all knew it but the Clave didn’t wanted to believe it. They thought that taking all freedom from the Fair folk would solve all their problems but it only made it worse. The wolves had warned them and who knew what the vampires thought but it wouldn’t be good. Well, according to Maia de vampires would help the wolves with whatever problems would occur but they couldn’t depend on the word of Lily alone. “What are you thinking?” Jace asked as he was watching her. Clary looked up “I was thinking about the Seelie Queen. We pissed her off and the Clave pissed her off even more... She’s up to something and we can’t do anything about it and the Clave won’t believe us. If this is going to get out of hand I don’t know if we are enough to stop it.” Jace thought about that for a moment and let out a sigh “Well I guess we’ll cross that bridge when we get there. We always go in without knowing what to expect and we’ve always survived.” “Uh no you died. Twice.” “And you saved me. Twice. So I’m positive you could do it again if neseccary.”
Clary rolled her eyes and looked up at the institute “So are you going to stay the night? Or are you going back home ?” Jace asked as they went inside and took the elevator. “I don’t know. Am I allowed to sleep in your room or do I have to get into one of the guest rooms again?” “I say sneak into my room when everyone else is asleep.” “Problem is, we already tried that once and Maryse caught us.” Jace laughed “Yeah she almost got a heartattack. She didn’t mind though I think. I haven’t heard her about it after it happend.” Clary grinned “Then I will sleep in your room tonight Mr. Herondale.” Jace had his playfull grin on his face again “I would be honoured Miss Fairchild.”
They got into the huge lobby and we’re almost instantely attacked by Izzy who, without a word, grabbed Clary bij her wrist and dragged her with her to Izzy’s room. “Izzy what are you doing?” Isabelle only let Clary go when the door of her room was firmly closed. “I have no idea what to give Simon for his birthday...” she blurted out. Clary raised an eyebrow “I thought you already had a gift?” “I thought I did but then I wasn’t sure I should give it to him... It’s really personal and I’m not sure if he’d take it right.” “Depends on what you mean with it I guess.” Izzy looked at her in disbelief “I like him but I’m just not sure I love him ... He’s different then who he was when he was a vampire.” Clary shook her head “He’s actually pretty much the same only with more muscles and knowledge about weapons and all.” Isabelle shook her head “Come on Clary he’s your best friend and I’m going to be your parabatai I need your help.” “Alright alright! Just give him something from the heart. He’s in love with you and you like him show him that. But make it clear how you feel so that he won’t push it. He’s trying so hard to be the person who you fell in love with.” “I know... I’ll try.” “You’ll be fine Izzy. He’s not heartless you know that. He will wait and he will respect that you need time. Just tell him.” “Thanks Clary.” “You’re welcome. Can I go back to my boyfriend now?” Isabelle grinned “Actually no. Magnus asked if you could meet him in the library. I think it has something to do with party planning. No one is allowed in except for you and Alec.” Clary laughed “Oh poor Alec.” Isabelle laughed to and walked with Clary to the libraby talking about the hunt of today. When they got to the huge library doors Isabelle said she was going to find Jace to train for a bit and vanished around the corner. Clary pushed the double doors open and stopped dead in her tracks. The library wasn’t even regongizable anymore. “Oh..my...god.” she whispered and then Alec came up grabbed her arm and dragged her out of the library again “Help me Clary I beg you get me out of there.” Clary looked at him. He was flushed and covered in Glitter and she had a hard time concealing her smile. “Run. I’ll keep him distracted. I can’t keep his thoughts of you for long though. He’ll notice you’re gone soon enough.” “That’s enough time for me to hide.” and he was gone leaving Clary behind who took a deep breath and again opened the library doors. She looked around better now, there were birthday decorations everywhere, the books were protected with a spell so they wouldn’t get damaged by the partying Magnus had planned. There was Glitter everywhere and the library was stuffed with tables, chairs, a huge DJ stage, and there was a banner as big as the library windows that said “Happy Birthday Simon !” in Magnus his handwriting. “Biscuit there you are!” Magnus was happily running around arranging everything and putting everything in place “You like it?” he said with an expectant look on his face “It’s amazing Magnus. Very glamorous.” she said smiling. Simon would have a heartattack. Magnus had a serene smile on his face “I was just messing with Alec. He’s been trying to get away for over 4 hours. You’re arrival gave him the right opportunity.” Clary chuckled. “He looked so scared and flushed. What did you do to him?” “Oh nothing. Just some ... Uh glittery stuff.” Clary pressed her lips together “Right. So if you were just messing with Alec what’s the deal here?” “The glitter will dissapear in 10 minutes give or take, and the decorations will reduce to a normal amount. The banner and DJ stage will stay though. I’ve already asked if Bat would like to perform and he’s happy to help.” Clary grinned “Perfect. And who’s coming ?” Magnus his cat-like eyes began to shine “Well obviously you, me, Alec, Jace, Isabelle and Maryse.” he started and Clary rolled her eyes. “Jocelyn and Luke and the wolfpack. I tried to invite Lily but she refused rather rudely.” “Really? I can’t imagine.” Magnus looked at Clary “Keep the sarcasm for your boyfriend biscuit.” Clary grinned “Alright, so the pack, us and my parents.” “Yes, and Tessa Gray and Jem Carstairs, also Aline Penhallow and Helen Blackthorn. They have permission to leave Wrangel Island for a week so they could visit Jia, the Blackthorns and attend Simon’s birthday.” “That’s amazing Magnus!” “Yes I thought so to.” “We need to keep Simon out of here till tomorrow night though.” Magnus nodded “That’s the perfect task for you biscuit.” Clary nodded and knew exactly how to keep Simon away from the library till that evening “Is it okay if I invite his sister? She knows about our world. His mom doesn’t though and we’d like to keep it that way because of the way she reacted when Simon was a vampire.” Magnus thought about that for a bit and then agreed that Rebecca’s presence would only make Simon happier. “That’s settled then. Thank you Magnus you are amazing” “Oh I know ! Hey where did Alec run off to anyway?” “I think he went hiding in either the weapons room or his own room and if he’s not there he’s probably with Jace and Izzy in the training room.” “Good I’ll find him when I’m done here.” Clary nodded and walked away again pulling out her phone as she went. She dialed Rebecca’s number “Hi Clary. Whatsup?” “Hi Rebecca. I had a question. It’s about Simon’s birthday and I need a favour.” “Anything.”


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