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Home » De Kronieken van de Onderwereld » The Seelie Queen's revenge » Chapter 1

The Seelie Queen's revenge

18 dec 2014 - 16:26




Chapter 1

here we go for real !

Chapter 1

Alec had been hiding in the weapons room like Clary had suggested. He hadn’t know she’d send Magnus his way though and just when he was trying to find a way out Magnus had pinned him against the wall, his hands on either side of his face so that he couldn’t escape. Not that he was afraid of Magnus or being so close to him, he just didn’t wanted to be dragged back into the party planning again. Magnus had a devlish grin on his face while he watched Alec struggle to find words to get out of the partyplanning. But Magnus had no intention on dragging his boyfriend back there. He was done anyway and everything was settled. Clary would take care of the rest so his work was done. He was rather enjoying playing with Alec. “Come on Magnus I need to get some weapons” “For what exactly?” “I.. Uh I’m-” “Don’t worry Alexander I have no intention on getting you into the partyplanning again. You’re no good at it anyway.” Magnus could see the relief on Alec’s face and Alec’s whole body relaxed. Magnus leaned into him so that their faces would only be inches apart “You know- I never thought being surrounded by weapons would be this hot.” he whispered and Alec flushed and grinned “Pretty much anything in this room could hurt you pretty badly you know.” Magnus let out a low chuckle “Nothing can hurt me Alec. Just you. And I know you wouldn’t hurt me.” Alec’s face turned serious and so did Magnus. “What do you mean Magnus?” he asked and Magnus shook his head “That you’re the only one who can break my heart Alec. Because I love you.”

”So what? Rebecca called you to ask if it was okay if she and I could hang out tomorrow?” Simon asked Clary. They we’re in the training room with Jace and Isabelle who were practicing the knife throwing. Isabelle was good at it, but Jace was exellent. Clary was staring at the way Jace moved his body before he threw the knife in a straight line and was pulled out of it by Simon who was waving his hand in front of her face “I’m talking to you.” he said when he looked at him in annoyence “Yes Simon, Rebecca called me to ask if it was okay if she hung out with you tomorrow and I said it was fine if you wanted to hang out with her. It’s not like we had anything special planned for you anyway and she is your sister. You’ve been so busy training with us that you haven’t been able to see her a lot lately. She misses you and it’s your birthday.” She said before she returned her staring at Jace who happend to be looking at her at the same time. The corner of his mouth pulled up a little in a small smile before he threw the knife without even looking and it stuck in the middle of the target. Izzy whistled “Nice throw Jace.” “I know.” Izzy rolled her eyes and walked over toward Clary and Simon and sat down next to him. “So, are you going to hang out with your sister tomorrow?” she asked. “Yes I think I will. It’s true that I haven’t seen her much lately.” Clary had a huge grin on her face “Perfect. Then you can call her and tell her you’ll be meeting her tomorrow.”

Because the Fair Folk are a patient folk we will make it a very long time before we finally whipe you Angelpeople off the earth. We can take you one by one, dragging it out. We will have our Revenge. Starting with the Blackthorn boy currently being a part of the Wild Hunt. They want to give him back to you, they we’re halfway through the exchange. We took him.
Do not dare enter the land of Fearies for you will be imediately killed upon arrival.
The Seelie Queen is not a forgiving queen and we will not be forgiving in what you have done to Downworlders all over the world. If the wolves and nightwalkers want to stand with you they will be eliminated as well, same goes for the ones with magic, the Warlocks.
Be warned.
I am coming

Maryse had read the letter over and over again. The Fair Folk had threathend them and they already had Mark Blackthorn. But why the Fearies had decided to deliver this letter to the New York institute rather then send it to the Clave in Idris was a question she had no answer to. Maryse had contacted Jocelyn and Luke imediately and they were on their way, Robert had already read the letter and would wait with informing the Clave until Jocelyn and Luke were present. Magnus was already in the institute so they’d only have to call on him and he’d be there within minutes...if he wasn’t to busy with her son. Maryse was happy that Alec was happy and that he had found someone he loved more then anything in the world but she still had a bit of a hard time realizing her son had a thing for men instead of women. Ofcourse she accepted it, it was her son and him being happy was more important then who he was happy with. Magnus had thanked her for her acceptance and she had just smiled knowing fully well that Magnus had saved her children, and Clary and Simon more times then she could count and she was very grateful for that. She already lost Max, she couldn’t bear losing any of her other children. Not even Clary or Simon, They were just as much a part of their family as Jace, Isabelle and Alec were. Now Magnus was part of it to.
There was a soft knock on the door of her study “Enter.” she said and Jocelyn opened the door and came in followed by Luke, Magnus and Alec. She was surprised that Alec was there, she hadn’t asked for him and that was also why she looked at him with a questioning look “Magnus asked if I could join. It’s not like he won’t tell me what’s up anyway so I might as well hear it right now.” He said by seeing the look on his mothers face. Maryse nodded and gave the letter witten on a dry leaf, to Jocelyn who read it and passed it on to Luke. Luke’s eyes shot over the leaf and Magnus was reading to over Luke’s shoulder. They both looked at eachother and shook their heads “I warned you people that something like this would happen sooner or later. They decided waiting probably wasn’t going to be much use as they want to punish this genereation of Shadowhunters for their demise.” Magnus said and he gave the leaf to Alec who read it and frowned “They have Mark Blackthorn? He’s part Fearie why would they think the Clave would come to his aid? They left him there without even trying to get him back. They send Helen to Wrangel Island because she is part Faerie.” He gave the letter/leaf back to his mother who nodded “They didn’t send this to the Clave though. They send it here. To the New York institute. I think it’s directly at you and you’re friends Alec. You were the ones who invaded the Seelie Court and killed a knight of theirs, threathend the Seelie Queen and then left for the road to Edom. I also think, that they know that you and your friends would want to help Mark Blackthorn.” Alec swallowed, he remembered killing Meliorn because he was so hellbend on saving Magnus... Magnus noticed Alec’s discomfort and laid a hand on his shoulder. Alec looked up and smiled weakly at Magnus who focused his attention to Maryse “Did you inform the Clave yet?” he asked. Maryse shook her head “No I wanted to get you up to speed first. Robert knows but he’ll wait with contacting Jia until you tell him to. Luke, I think you should give Maia a call, she could contact Lily and they can prepare themselves. They stand behind the Shadowhunters and therefore they will be in danger as well..” Luke nodded and looked at Magnus “What do you think Caterina and Tessa would say?” He asked the Warlock. Maryse looked at Jocelyn who caught her eye “We should tell the children. They were there with Alec. They should know.” Jocelyn swallowed “I don’t know...Clary is-” “Clary is a Shadowhunter. She took the oath, she’s saved us all more then once. She has rune powers and she’s stronger then you give her credit for.” said Magnus “You cannot protect her forever. And she doesn’t need much protection. She’ll be with Jace, Alec, Isabelle, Simon and Me.” Jocelyn looked at Luke who nodded “Magnus is right Jocelyn. Clary is a shadowhunter. You did everything you could to protect her but she’s strong enough. She’s smart and she has friends who can protect her. Jace would never forgive himself if anything happened to her.” “Nor would I. And I know Simon and Isabelle feel the same. Clary and Izzy might not be Parabatai yet but they are best friends and they are as close as Jace and I are.” Alec might be the oldest and the wisest but he also knew that without Clary, they would never stand a chance “We will have eachothers backs like we always have.”

Jocelyn wasn’t happy with it but she had to admit she couldn’t keep Clary locked up somewhere while her friends would fight and try to solve the Clave’s problems. Didn’t mean she wasn’t scared for her daughters life like she was every day knowing Clary was off fighting with demons and rogue downworlders. Jace was always with her and she knew Jace would never let anything happen to her but still what if something happend to Jace and Clary was on her own and - Jocelyn stopped herself from thinking the worst. She paced up and down the hall waiting for her daughter to come out of Maryse’s study with the rest of her friends. She hadn’t wanted to be in there while they we’re discussing strategies and battle plans to safe Mark Blackthorn. Robert was off contacting the Clave, not that they would do anything to safe the Blackthorn boy but they would at least be warned that the Fair folk would make their move. If the Clave didn’t take this warning seriously they’d be even more stupid then Jocelyn would’ve thought.
There would be a meeting soon enough anyway and even though Luke wasn’t a repretentative for the wolves anymore, and she wasn’t officially a Shadowhunter anymore, they would still want to be in Idris since Clary, Maia, and Simon would be there. Together with the Lightwoods and Jace.
Jace. Who had taken up his fathers name Herondale. Tessa had given him the Herondale ring so now he was the last of the line who could continue the lineage of the Herondales. Something Zachariah was both Happy and annoyed about. Happy because the Herondale family had been a good and just people, annoyed because the Herondale boys always got themselves into trouble and it would never end now. Jocelyn smiled a little when she thought of how Zachariah had looked and how Tessa had laughed. The door of Maryse’s study opened and the Lightwoods and Jace and Clary came out followed by Luke, Magnus and Maryse herself. “Let’s gear up, get some weapons and see if we can find ourselves a Fearie who could tell us more.” Jace looked up when he saw Jocelyn and shut his mouth. He still wasn’t sure if she liked him or not...or trusted him. Jocelyn on the other hand loved Jace because he loved Clary and he was good for her but she was still Clary’s mother and she would be careful and afraid for her till the day she died.
”You’re going on a Fearie hunt?” she asked to no one in particular. Clary was the one who answered “We’re going to Taki’s to talk to Kaelie. She might not be willing but we’ll find a way to persuade her. Hopefully she still works there though.” “She does. I saw her yesterday. She didn’t look happy but she was still there.” Magnus said as he walked passed them “I’m going to call Caterina and Tessa. See if they could find the time to come by to discuss this matter. I will see you when you return.” he started to walk away “Wait Magnus!” Alec ran after him and they both dissapeared. Izzy shook her head “Let’s gear up.” she grabbed Simon by the wrist and dragged him with her to the weapons room. Jace and Clary were looking at Jocelyn who was lost for words but Luke was a big help “If you need help just call us. I can track you down within minutes.” Clary smiled and hugged him “We’ll be fine Luke. We’ve had worse things to deal with then a few Fearies.” she said with a sad smile and Jocelyn knew she meant her brother and father. Jonathan and Valentine had both raged War against the Shadowhunters and lost because of Clary and her friends.
Jace and Clary walked away “Did you notice that the letter ended with the word Erchomai?” Clary said when they were certain her parents and Maryse couldn’t hear them anymore. “Yes. I noticed. The same thing Sebastian had written on the Angelwing... Erchomai. I am coming.” it wasn’t comforting that the Seelie Queen had decided to use the same words as Sebastian had done when he treathend them. “Let’s gear up and get Kaelie before we make any assumptions. I think the Seelie Queen is just pissed off that we killed her playmate.” Clary scoffed “I don’t think he was her playmate though. I think it was the other way around. I don’t see Sebastian being a plaything for anyone.” “True. Maybe she loved him.” “Maybe. We’ll find out I guess.”
They geared up and got their weapons, they only had to wait for Alec who was later then the rest of them because he had said goodbye to Magnus but none of them said anything about it knowning that it was more dangerous to try to capture a Faerie then they had led on. Faeries we’re manipulative, mean and they cheated. They knew exactly how to twist words and what to say. They couldn’t lie but that didn’t mean they couldn’t twist the truth a bit. That was why Fearies we’re so dangerous. They didn’t think Kaelie would be that hard to talk to but still they didn’t know if there were any Knights of the Seelie Court around, those actually were dangerous in a way that they we’re very skilled with swords. Since Kaelie was now the representative of the Seelie Court she might have protection around. The Knights were not fun to fight with. Not that they were unbeatable but they’d rather avoid conflict for now. “Alright, everyone ready?” Jace asked them. Everyone nodded. “We all know what we have to do. Clary and I will go inside, try to get Kaelie to come with us, the rest of you stay outside and keep an eye on things there. We don’t want to get jumped by Fearie Knights.” Jace opened de frontdoor and walked out followed by the rest of them “Wait a second!” they all froze and Clary let out a deep sigh “Oh for the love of -” “Clary Fairchild don’t even think about finishing that sentence or you will not go anywhere tonight.” “Mom I am a Shadowhunter remember. I know you like to pretend that I am not but I am and you will not change that.” “I am not planning on changing it. It’s in your blood. But I wanted to give you something before you we’re going to throw yourself in danger again.” “Again? I don’t throw myself in danger mom. Danger usually throws itself on me!” Jocelyn flinched “Yes and that it wat bothers me. I’d rather lock you up somewhere I know nothing can touch you but-” “But you can’t. I’m 17 almost 18 and I am a Shadowhunter. We are in danger anyway. Besides, I don’t think I could be safer in a locked room then I am with Jace and the others.” Jace grinned and winked at her and she smiled. Simon rolled his eyes but came in between Clary and Jocelyn before either of them could open their mouths again “We really have to go if we want to talk to Kaelie before anyone finds out what we are up to. We know Fearies have their own spies and we’re outside now...” Alec coughed “We’re already in danger just standing here. So can we just go now? Some of us have plans later tonight.” Jocelyn rolled her eyes knowing what Alec was referring to since Magnus was standing right behind her grinning like an idiot. “Fine go. I’ll give it to you when you get back. Be careful all of you.” “Don’t worry mom we’ll be fine. We always are.”


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