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Home » Dragon Ball Z » frieza, cell and majin buu back alive? » day: one

frieza, cell and majin buu back alive?

6 sep 2015 - 21:36




day: one

Day 1 09:12 am
Frieza took a deep breath and said "why did we agree to this again guys" he said in a not to happy tone
Cell looked at him annoyed "ugh be happy we got s second change in life atleast we are out of that hell hole so don't be that upsed frieza"
Frieza looked angry towards cell "just shut the fuck up cell" pointing his finger towards cell
"No, you shut up!"
"No, you !"
"No,"just stop it you 2 you guys always fight it's geting boring"
"Okay fine buu" frieza and cell said they were still kinda mad tho
"I got beter things to do anyways" cell said with a smirk on his face
"Like what?!? Dying" frieza laughed
Cell didn't look to happy about that comment and glanced towards frieza " i fucking hate you" cell said in a both angry and annoyed tone
"It's not like i like you either" crossing his arms
"You guys are so annoying"
"So... umm what are we waiting for anyways?" Cell asked curiously
"Well we were supose to be picked up by that monkey" frieza said who at this point was quite annoyed
"You guys are kinda funny together" a familiar voice said
"Well well looked who decided to show himself if it isn't goku " looking towards goku
"Yup it's me supriced hehe we are gonna have so much Fun living together lol" the way to happy saiyan said
Frieza decided to Interupt the saiyan "i'm so exited to life with this monkey, yay!"
Goku noticed the tone in frieza's voice and smirks "Well it's not gonna be to bad probably if we all work together"
"Oh whooho" cell said
"Am i the only one that doesn't really care and is just happy to be back"
Frieza and cell looked at buu like he just said the most stupid thing ever "Yes!" They said at the same time crossing there arms
"Well i'm kinda happy now you guys can't hurt anybody anymore cuz these collars you guys can gave fun here with me and not be evil for once" goku smiled
"Fine but can we leave this place first.."
"Okay okayy lord frieza" goku made a small bow "follow me" flying up heading towards there new home there they were back to life what will hapen next


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