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Home » Criminal Minds » WWW [Welcome with weirdness] » C1: A glimpse in her memory- aanmaak

WWW [Welcome with weirdness]

16 okt 2018 - 1:49




C1: A glimpse in her memory- aanmaak

Excuses voor het belachelijke lange wachten!

De te schone ruimte van het verhoorkantoortje rook naar geparfumeerde mannen, chemisch schoonmaakmiddel en goedkope, slechte, koffie. Het getik van een pen op tafel werkte op mijn zenuwen. Ik sloot mijn ogen om het uit te filteren. Maar het leek wel alsof het tot me door moest dringen.
"Miss O'Donoghan, you've told Dr. Reid that you knew their voices..."
"I've spoken with them, at the time I haven't paid that much attention to their kind of voice, but thinking back they were really similar..."
"Please elaborate."
"I... I knew nothing of them, Zoë asked for a book on a subject of her study, Mare asked the same, though a different subject. Angela and Robin were dating a bloke and asked for a good restaurant within their budget. Winnie and I were classmate- in the music study, that is. And Tania asked for a good book or something to improve her Spanish. So yeah I've talked with them."
"Why didn't you tell us this afternoon?"
"I didn't think of it, I talk with people everyday. I give them tips, I help them. There are 5005 students here, mister Hotchner. How do you expect that I can filter out six conversations at once?"
"You've an extraordinary live, miss O'Donoghan."
"How do you plan all of it?"
"Doing it?"
"Right." Hotchner stond op en wou het kantoortje verlaten, dit was mijn laatste kans.
"Their voices, sir..."
"What about them?"
"They sounded... like me."
"Excuse me?"
"They had the same tune, the same defensive use of rhythm, the same kind of... aggression in it. Ready to fight, ready to beat their opponent if they had too..."
"Is there anyone who can confirm that?"
"If you've audio-records of it, go to mrs Halloway, she has an absolute hearing and will know if the voices are as I say, similar."
"What made you realize this?"
"Excuse me?"
"I was making this essay for history, about the French revolution, and... it had a sentence: it was the people's voice that changed the future... and I remembered certain things of my own past, and... I don't know exactly what happened next... but suddenly I was thinking about all students how they had all their own voice to change the future, and then I remembered something Robin told me; that she wanted to change the future. And... wellthen I of course recalled the other girls too, and realized what you told us, this morning about their youth? And that made realize they all had this roughness back then... So yeah...that..."
"Right. Wait here please." Hotchner verliet de kamer.
Ik rolde mijn ogen en schoof een leeg papier naar me toe, viste een potlood uit mijn zak en begon te tekenen. Ik wist dat ik hier mijn eigen leven overhoop mee ging gooien, maar als ik de moorden hiermee kon stoppen dan had ik misschien mijn vrijheid terug. Een rode krul ontsnapte uit mijn hoodie.

[De volgende ochtend, half zeven]
"Good Morning New Orleans residents! The weather is cloudy today, just 66° fahrenheit with a breeze, in the evening we expect to have 53,6° fahrenheit and a chance of a bit rain throughout the day. No beware those raidrops folks! We set of to Johnny! Any other tragics this morning Johnny?"
"Alas, indeed, there's been another murder today, Carl! This time, again, a twenty year old lass, this time she's been found in the park nearby the university Loyola University of New Orleans. The local Police isn't available yet for details. All they can say for now they had a very useful tip and are working hard to catch this ruthless killer. Meanwhile they strongly advice to be not alone in your room or house at any given time. We will give you an update as soon as possible. But bakery-"
Ik ging overeind zitten, met een diepe zucht. Nog een moord. Ik hoefde niet te raden wat dit keer gebeurd was. Alle slachtoffers hadden lang haar, alle slachtoffers waren 20, alle slachtoffers hadden dezelfde soort stem en bovenal, zaten ze op dezelfde school. Hij werd agressief, nu al drie nachten achter elkaar werd iemand gedood. Ik stond op, spoelde de slaap uit mijn ogen, trok mijn trainingskleren aan, pakte mijn zwemspullen en begon mijn hardloop ritueel in het park. Halverwege werd het pad geblokkeerd door de zwart-gele "do not cross" linten. Reid stond vlakbij te praten met een van de forensics. Ik trok vragend mijn wenkbrauwen op.
Reid kwam naar me toe.
"You were right..."
"Their voices. Donna Robins was just like the others. And she managed to make a picture of her attacker..." Oh god hier gingen we.
"Oh, that's great!"
"It was the guy you drew..."
"I know..."
"Who is he?" Ik had de vraag verwacht, toch slikte ik even. Ik keek of niemand dichtbij genoeg stond om het te horen.
"I can't tell you here, dr. Reid. But I can tell you, every girl like the last seven is in mortal danger if you don't catch him. I can tell you... more, but not in public. Not here." Ik was bang, doodsbang, maar dat was bij de grootste motivatie om wat dan ook te doen. Reid en ik spraken af om in mijn appartement te ontmoeten, in een kwartier. Dan had ik mijn ren-sessie gedaan, en zwemmen skipte ik vandaag maar.

"So...who is he?"
"A person from my rugged past. My oh so dear father wanted me to marry him." Mijn sarcasme deed hem opkijken.
"But you didn't?"
"Nope, not my type. Plus... no I am not saying this right..." Ik dacht even na voordat ik begon te vertellen.

[Gwen's verhaal]
I was born in a sect. My mother died when I was three. I had no other siblings from her. But my father, as sect-leader, could get any woman he wanted. I honestly believe there was no female part of the sect that hadn't been laid by him, small and grown-up. Myself included. In this sect, women didn't count. They looked after the kids, boys until eight. Did the household and did whatever the men wanted them. I never knew anything beside that. We didn't go to the outside world. Until one day, one of the rejected ones opened up about the sect and the leaders got caught. My dad and the many brother included. One of them got free early and went after me. I had in the roll up gotten the taste of own choices, own freedom and such. I discovered that I was smart.That's how I ended up here. I am one of the youngest students here. But I didn't counted on 'my brother'. I had no idea that my father had allowed him to marry me. But ever since I got out the sect I've run into him some way or another. Only... he's always been cruel, been mean. The kind that would pull wings out of flies and laugh when they died. The kind that would put spiders in girls neck, poisonous versions included. The one who would lock up dogs and set the shed on fire. Cut your hand and force you to put vinegar on it. That kind of cruel. So yeah, when the murders started... I was somehow not surprised. That's why I didn't linked them immediately with him. He wants me. He will not stop before either being dead, or having me as his finally captured prey. That's how he works, how he thinks. How... all those men thought and acted.

Ik had een rode blos gekregen bij de herinneringen, woede, machteloosheid, eenzaamheid, onrecht en emoties die ik niet begreep wervelde door me heen.
Dr. Reid was een hele tijd stil na mijn verhaal. Tenslotte keek hij me aan met een frons.
"So what now?"
"Well, I've done all my homework, and it's Friday. Last classes before the weekend."
"I mean about your killer..."
"Oh... right." Ik haalde mijn schouders op.
"You're FBI, you can pull this through to your colleagues. Then you do what's needed to stop him..."
"And you?"
"Surrender was never my best suit..."
"So you just go on?"
"What else do you suggest?"
"Help us... Tell us everything you know."
"That without a doubt."
"Maybe better do that at the office?" Ik ging akkoord en skipte de klassen van die dag. Reid reed ons naar het politie bureau. Ik kreeg ietwat vreemde blikken door mijn uiterlijk, rode krullen in een hoge paardenstaart, een zacht gele oversized trui van lichte stof, jeans met gaten, rode schoenen en een bruin-leren tas met een embleem erop van mijn fandom, zoals ze dat hier noemden. Ik had het kort geleden pas leren kennen maar was nu al groot fan.
We namen plaats in piepende, leren, draaistoelen aan een tafel met ringen van koffiekoppen erop. Reid had onderweg de rest van zijn team opgeroepen en een voor een, of twee bij twee, kwamen ze binnen. Na tien minuten zaten ze allemaal rondom me.


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