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The New Evil: Book One, The Lost Son

24 juli 2009 - 16:16




<[12]> The End of Book One + Extraatje.

Dit is het einde van boek één. Dit kleine hoofdstuk word natuurlijk. Dus, een afsluiting, voor alle fan's en voor jullie, een voorproefje van: The New Evil: Book Two, Avo Acheno. [Hoofdstuk 1] (niet het hele hoofstuk!)

Thank you's en inspiratie bronnen:

Ten eerste bedank ik Sidhlairiel heel erg voor het aanmoedigen van mijn verhaal, geven van inspiratie en vele reacties.

Ten tweede wil ik Findëmaxa heel erg bedanken voor alle inpiratie. Ook voor de inspiratieloze gesprekken om mij inspiratie te geven (Of je het nou wil of niet, je bent heel erg cute, je kan er niet onderuitkomen.)

Verdere bronnen zijn:
De vele keren bekeken LOTR trilogie.
De Fanfilm Born of Hope
De Fanfilm The Hunt for Gollum

En vele, vele anderen.

En nu waar je op wacht:

June 11, 3964
Gondor, Minas Tirith

"Where is my sword?" Said Eldarion to himself.
"Hey, you grow fast, kid." Said Faramir who just walked in.
"Here, take my sword." Said Faramir.
"What? Your sword?" Said Eldarion surprised
"Yes, peace in Middle-Earth keeps it blunt, go sharpen it and fight." Said
Faramir and Eowyn walked in too
"You need it more than I do." Said Faramir, gave his sword to Eldarion and sat down on a chair, so did Eowyn.
"So, how old where you?" Asked Eowyn
"I'm seventeen, didn't you know?" Said Eldarion to Eowyn
"No, but now I do." Said Eowyn with a smile and her son walked into the room.
"Mae Govannen, Elboron." Said Eldarion
"What? I don't have and Elf as mother." Said Elboron and smiled
"I got a question, Faramir, you are now steward. Could you watch my mom for a while, I'm going to see my father and his friend, the king of South-Earth." Said Eldarion
"Sure, Why would Aragorn be with Airathore?"
"What? Airadan is what you mean."
"No, Airathore."
"Who is Airathore, Who is Airadan?" Said Elboron, but he was ignored
"Airathore has passed away."
"He went to Valinor?"
"No, he is killed." Said Eldarion and a deadly silent hit the room.
"What? He was, a friend of mine." Said Faramir
"Sorry, I'm going to prepare my horse. How long is a travel to Gildwel?" Said
"Four days. Three if you ride light and fast." Said Faramir "I used to go there when I was a kid."
"Ok, Thanks." Said Eldarion and walked away.
Eldarion was standing in the stables, feeding his horse. Faramir came
in. "Eldarion, I have a question. Could you ask your father if we can rebuilt Osgiliath?" Asked Faramir
"Sure, I will." Said Eldarion and climbed on his horse.
"Wish me luck, Faramir." Said Eldarion
"Ní¡ Elbereth veria le, ní¡ elenath dí­n sí­la erin rí¡d o chuil lí­n" Said Faramir
"You practised? Belain na le." Said Eldarion and he smiled.
"What? I'm not that far." Said Faramir, he smiled too.
"The Valar be with you." Said Eldarion and they shaked hands. His horse
walked out of the stables and pranced, then, it started running.


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