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Home » Cinema Bizarre » Im the sister of Rom3o, and Yu is my... what the hell is he from me? » 28

Im the sister of Rom3o, and Yu is my... what the hell is he from me?

4 aug 2009 - 15:33







*2Maanden later…*

Ik word rustig wakker althans, dat probeer ik, maar ik word uit mijn bed gesleurd door Maaike en ze duwt me naar de badkamer… Het is min of meer haar baan, om te zorgen dat wij overal optijd zijn, zei houdt ons een beetje in de gaten zeg maar… Een echt baantje is het niet, ze doet heel moederlijk, dat is opzich wel grappig en…
‘Yu sta niet te dagdromen!’ ik draai mij om en daar staat Maaike heel kwaad te kijken…
Maaike: Hier je kleding, schoenen en pet, wat je gisteren ook droeg, maar het is uitgewassen, en nu klaarmaken of ik kom je helpen!
“Nouwh, dat vind ik eigenlijk niet zown probleem hoor!”¯ Maaike: maar dan pak ik er wel een schrobborstel bij, of de staalborstel…
“Jajaja, ik ga al. Niemand komt aan mijn knappe ik!”¯ Maaike: Moet je eens opletten!
En ze knijpt me in mijn feniks tattoo, en ik geef een kreunt… Maaike kijkt me geniepig aan, en draait zich dan om… ‘Ik zou maar iets aan je boxer doen als ik jou was!’ roept ze nog als ze naar beneden loopt…
Dan draai ik me om en Kiro komt net de badkamer uit…
Kiro: Ik heb alles gezien en gehoord, ga je nu maar douchen ik ben toch al klaar.
“Jha dankje…”¯ Ik stap de badkamer in en ik trek mijn boxer uit…
Fijn, kheb weer een stijve-_-‘ Dat word weer koud douchen of mezelf ervan afhelpen…
Maar ik heb geen zin in een koude douche… dan maar het tweede, koud water is hatelijk…
(Nhja sorry, ik ben een beetje melig ik heb namelijk ‘hallo auto’ gespeeld. *TIP: HET HEEFT MET ‘SHIN CHAN’ TE MAKEN!:p*)
Ik sta onder de douche en help het probleem een handje… (Als je begrijpt wat ik bedoel…)
Ik sta nog na te denken over de laatste 2maand, eigenlijk is Maaike niet meer uit geweest, en ik ook niet, zal ik misschien? Nee dat lukt toch niet… Niet veel later ben ik klaar en doe ik snel mijn haar stijlen en het petje op, want jha, ik had echt geen tijd om kleding klaar te leggen… En dat doet Maaike ook voor ons…
Dan loop ik naar beneden en dan word er net op de deur van de tourbus geklopt als ik daar voorbij loop… Ik doe hem dus gelijk open en de Wii~Insider stapt binnen met een cameraman achter zich aan…
‘Christian Leuenberg, aangenaam, ik ben de Wii~Insider…’
Ik roep Kiro en we gaan op het bankje zitten, Maaike zit er ook bij, maar zij zit buiten beeld, waar ze nadrukkelijk om heeft gevraagd om roddels te voorkomen…

Welcome by Wii insider tv again once with special
publication and again from Cologne, as well as last time and
we are here with Cinema Bizarre, who have here scilicen tonight
Gig and we have now possibility to speak with boy, let us say
with two of them and yes....i say hallo
“Hallo, I'm Yu, guitarist”¯
Hallo, I'm basguitarist Kiro
Christian: Yes accurately, you have already introduced yourself to
us so to say...ehm...perhaps you can tell something in brief about
your band, from when do you exist and above all how do you find
this name of band?
“So that we have existed since 2005. Kiro, Strify and myself have
met at Anime meeting. Our name results from attitude. Because we
had at the beginning word Bizarre, because people, who did see us,
treat us as bizarre and simly not so normal as other and because
only Bizarre was uninteresting, we added Cinema, because Cinema is
as graniose cinema (movie) and brilliant show and this ist surly this
too, what we want to offer and unusually normal. We always want to
be uncommon and Cinema Bizarre is fast based on that.”¯
Very well, okay, yes this, what interests us naturally, is our
community, which know your mostly probably form Grand prix beforgig
and when did you strike upon the idea, was it some sudden idea or
was it properly planed or....
Idea was just targeted in the end and we thing..oh...it seems me,
this is on the whole witty, let us this simply to do....simply...I think that
simply shock people and so this was then in final effect we get mouldy
on courage and face is only seen ...oh...and then more show we have
surely a lot of applause and it has already been brilliant, it rejoiced but
it was more fun together experience this and too...it was fun.
Exactly...okey...we aren't here only because of our music.
Beside you have surely special relation with gaming too, I'd say, how
did this come? Do you play at all events yourself
indeed, already from a child forever....it began enouhg with Mario
and then Sonic and on the whole other too and I'm for horror's games
and... I play now as a matter of fact only horror's games and Mario...yes
“So that I began with NES first console form Nitendo, at what went
Zelda, Zelda was my first the oldest game and till today I can't stop with
Zelda is of course grandiose and how much free-time do you
sacrifice for gaming?
It's the most often that for over all man can gaming sometime, as
when it is time here and then at all events at least bittock
“So that I play the most often at home, when I'm by PC and I'm doing
something, I usually play all-time with this something”¯
And how do you do this, when you are on tour? How it looks,
does the gaming come us shrot too or do you have nevertheless console
with yourself and do you play now and then or how does this look whit
Kiro: I have whit myself my DS
“I have unfortunately this time no nothing with myself”¯
okay...must you borrow often form colleagues and technical
question, who is your favourite in principle
Kiro: So that now horror
“About RPG's or collective multi player online RPG's and Adventur
okay...and your favourite system or console or PC, what's
occuring you
Kiro: So that Wii is indeed absolutely sensational console, withal I play
now momentarily enough only on Wii
“I think, Wii is indeed absolutely sensational too, noÅ¡ PS3 too and
enough PC , I think is super too”¯
And how does it look with games hero, you have some figure
wherewith you play, of whom you think that he/she is good??
Kiro: Mario at all events
So that were you excited in addition for Nintendo?
“Nintendo has heroes, who can be watch in addition.”¯
Kiro: I think this too
ehm...at your names...so how do you find Strify. So that his
name is from Final Fantasy. Is it that way or ?
“I gave him this name, because I remembered once Cloud, what he
look like on older pictures. Like when it was still old version. So he
remembered me him that is why I gave him name Strify...because I thought,
where some change make and this sounded on the whole well and fairly
and it was suitable to him”¯
It isn't bad. You have with one another one's proper gamer
(player). How is it with him? Did he annoy and grumble, when he watch
only, how does it function?
As a rule he doesn't watch us, so he doesn't annoy. He isn't such
so one more question: in what game would you like appear???
Kiro: Good question. Once I'd like appear in horror game
“So I'd like be in taken, it would be cool”¯
okay. Music in video-game...this is theme too. How does it
look like for you?? Is some soundtracks, which you like especially??
“ Zelda is really legendary (wonderful)”¯
Do this music have influence to your music too?
Kiro: Anyway I think, that this has infulence but not so big or we
aren't alive so much
“So not directly but it have influence anyway”¯
and what you say at it play as stars? Which you are really...
Kiro: I played once "Sing star", but it was on the whole ridiculous,
especially party-game
“ ‘Sing star’ this isn't game for me, but Guitar Hero I play like”¯
yes title Guitar hero, we have this naturally here. And than
draw was but more till later.
after a pause we play one round on Wii


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