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Home » El Cazador de la Bruja » 21 Guns [ Sad story ] » 21 Guns [ sad story ]

21 Guns [ Sad story ]

29 sep 2009 - 19:18




21 Guns [ sad story ]

21 Guns

Ellis was shot. Clear red blood streamed rapidly from her mouth.

One, 21 Guns

''No! Ellis! Oh god. No!'', Nadie came running to her. She cried and knealed beside her. This couldn't be happening. All this time, we were just fine. All the danger they faced in the past.
They overwon everything.

Lay down your arms

Ellis looked at Nadie, slowly reaching with her hand to her face. All this time, all our moments together. The fun we had. This couldn't be the end. I wasn't fast enough, I swore to protect Ellis. And now.. now..

Give up the fight

Nadie just sat there, looking at Ellis. Her hand caressing her cheek.
'' It's all right.'', Ellis said. No it's not! Nadie wanted to scream, to say that it isn't alright. To say that she wanted to apolygise, to say that.. she couldn't live without her.

One, 21 Guns

More and more blood poured out of her mouth. Ellis got weaker and was whiter than before.
'' Nadie, please don't cry. I don't wanna end like this seeing you cry.''
Nadie got down and hugged Ellis tightly. she wanted this to be some kind of a bad dream, that she would wake up, and nothing have had happened.

Throw up your arms into the sky

Ellis closed her eyes and felt more lightheaded. 'This is the end' she thought.
They lay there. Hugging and crying. the last moments together.

You and I

Nadie shot herself.


FreeHugsPlz zei op 26 jan 2011 - 18:00:
omg. hoezo emo

ken de hele anime niet, maar natuurlijk wel Green Day
maar wel goede one shot