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Quotes 2

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BABBELICIOUS zei op 5 april 2010 - 13:56:
[ Omdat de andere vol was ]

Are you ok, so far? I think we all have people in our life that mean very, very much to us, who give us a lot of strength and who always are behind us. And still, we are all searching for one person, the right person, the person that is still much, much more than love, the person that means everything to you - and Georg, I wanted to tell you that today you are not that person

-Bill Kaulitz


Eliros is offline

Eliros zei op 11 april 2010 - 12:39:
Ja, nou, eigenlijk niet nee. Het is eng... Brr...

It isn't enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it. And it isn't enough to believe in it. One must work at it.
-Eleanor Roosevelt


xSoParanoid is offline

xSoParanoid zei op 11 april 2010 - 13:14:
Hey Marlous ik wil met je onder de douche.
van die Hela Hela How.

- Rinus


YarahartBill is offline

YarahartBill zei op 11 april 2010 - 22:42:
Me zus komt net onder de douche vandaan:
Amy: Mam?
Moeder: Ja?
Amy: Het water ruikt raar!?
Moeder: Oke ja dat kan.
Amy: Hoe komt dat?
Moeder: Geen iedee vraag maar aan de vissen.
Yara: *ligt op de grond van het lachen!*

Me stiefvader had dus de vijver schoongemaakt en die moest toen weer water hebben en toen heeft hij kraanwater gebruikt van de badkamer en ja toen vond me zus het water raar ruiken terwijl dat niet eens kan maar ik lag gevouwen op de grond.


VampireFangs is offline

VampireFangs zei op 12 april 2010 - 17:28:
Mak, doe het raam is open het stinkt hier. Joep heeft zich weer eens niet in kunnen houden. [/hijwashetzelf]
-Meneer v.d Bergh.


xjeszell is offline

xjeszell zei op 12 april 2010 - 18:08:
Landschap is Koen, Koen is homo. Hij houdt van gay parties.

-Rebecca tijdens AK in het OLC.


NaNaa is offline

NaNaa zei op 12 april 2010 - 19:29:
"Lampen kunnen niet snel reageren"

- Drake Bell.

"Ik wil de waarheid!"
"Die kun je niet aan, jij niet-waarheid-aankunner!"

- Bart Simpson en Sideshow Bob


CosmicPurple is offline

CosmicPurple zei op 13 april 2010 - 13:24:
You wanna know what your problem is? MTV, Playboy, and Madison fucking Avenue. Yeah.
Let me explain something to you, OK? Look, girls with big tits have big asses, girls with little tits have little asses. That's the way it goes. God doesn't fuck around, he's a fair guy. He gave the fatties big, beautiful tits and the skinnies little, tiny niddlers. It's not my rule. If you don't like it, call him...
(Looking at a Penthouse magazine)
Oh, guys, look what we have here. Look at this, your favorite. Oh, you like that?... Yeah, that's nice, right? Well, it doesn't exist, OK?
Look at the hair. The hair is long, it's flowing, it's like a river. Well, it's a fuckin' weave, OK? And the tits, please! I could hang my overcoat on them. Tits, by design, were invented to be suckled by babies. Yes, they're purely functional. These are silicon city. And look, my favorite, the shaved pubis. Pubic hair being so unruly and all. Very key.
This is a mockery, this is a sham, this is bullshit. Implants, collagen, plastic, capped teeth, the fat sucked out, the hair extended, the nose fixed, the bush shaved... These are not real women, all right? They're beauty freaks. And they make all us normal women with our wrinkles, our puckered boobs, our cellulite, feel somehow inadequate.
Well, I don't buy it, all right? But you fuckin' mooks, you think if there's a chance in hell that you'll end up with one of these women, you won't give us real women anything approaching a commitment. It's pathetic.
I don't know what you think you're gonna do. You're gonna end up eighty-years old, drooling in some nursing home, then you're gonna decide, it's time to settle down, get married, have kids? What, are you gonna find -- a cheerleader?
If you had an ounce of self-esteem, of self-worth, of self-confidence, you would realize that as trite as it may sound, beauty is truly skin-deep. And you know what, if you ever did hook one of those girls, I guarantee you'd be sick of her... No matter how perfect the nipple, how supple the thigh, unless there's some other shit going on in the relationship besides the physical, it's gonna get old, OK?
And you guys, as a gender, have got to get a grip, otherwise the future of the human race is in jeopardy.

Quote uit de film "Beautiful Girls"


4passions is offline

4passions zei op 15 april 2010 - 12:21:
Somestimes what seems like surrender isn't surrender at all. It's about what's going on in our hearts. About seeing clearly the way life is and accepting it and being true to it, whatever the pain, because the pain of not being true to it is far, far greater.
-The horsewhisperer

She was like the water that freezes inside a rock and breaks it apart. It was no more her fault than it is the fault of the water when the rock shatters.
-Legends of the fall

beiden films


YarahartBill is offline

YarahartBill zei op 15 april 2010 - 15:00:
Ik ben me aan het vervelen en toen kwam ik op nickelodeon en daar was Avatar ofso en toen kwam dit voor bij:

Dan zijnde thee slurpende Sukkelheid of hoogheid. (ik was het al weer vergeten voor ik het kon opslaan.x'D)



NaNaa is offline

NaNaa zei op 15 april 2010 - 18:59:
"Ik ga naar Londen voor een bruiloft. In Londen"

LxKaulitz is offline

LxKaulitz zei op 15 april 2010 - 19:09:
Suzanne! Ik ben toegenomen! Ik bedoel, Aangelaten..

- eheh.

MoonRocker is offline

MoonRocker zei op 15 april 2010 - 19:16:
Suzanne! Ik ben toegenomen! Ik bedoel, Aangelaten..

- eheh.



TWINcest is offline

TWINcest zei op 15 april 2010 - 19:26:
Ik kan vloeibaar Nederlands


LxKaulitz is offline

LxKaulitz zei op 15 april 2010 - 19:27:


NaNaa is offline

NaNaa zei op 15 april 2010 - 19:41:
@Laure; -strijk-

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