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FanFic Leest #2

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Bodine is offline

Bodine zei op 8 sep 2015 - 17:33:
Ja ja, omdat hier animo voor leek te zijn, hebben we besloten om dit nog een keer te doen! De tweede editie zal plaatsvinden in oktober.
Dat is nog bijna een maand weg - dat klopt. Maar we willen het jullie alvast vertellen in verband met voorbereiding: lees dat ene langdradige boek alvast uit vóór oktober en bestel een stapeltje boeken zodat je nooit zonder leesvoer zit.

Oh, en als je wilt, kun je ons hieronder linken naar je goodreads-account. Ik zal daar een overzicht van bijhouden en dan kan je iedereen toevoegen. Dat is handig wegens boekaanbevelingen en het is leuk om updates te ontvangen.

Als je al weet welke boeken je gaat lezen of wat je doel ongeveer wordt, mag je dat natuurlijk alvast delen om anderen te inspireren, maar het echte topic komt pas tegen oktober zelf.

Heel veel voorpret gewenst!

Bodine, Daan, Dezh, Dorien, Elise, Juul, Kay


Kayley is offline

Kayley zei op 8 sep 2015 - 17:40:
Mijn Goodreads account, dat ik echt religieus bijhoud.

Ik ga hetzelfde doel opstellen als tijdens #1; dat begon met 2,5K pagina's en toen ik daar aan zat, verhoogde ik het naar 4K. Dus ik begin met 2,5K en dan zien we wel.

En ik ga weer tentatief een lijstje opstellen met dingen die ik wil lezen, ook al heb ik vorige keer maar één boek van die hele lijst gelezen... Oh well.
Maar daar ga ik nu eerst even rustig de tijd voor nemen.


CosmicPurple is offline

CosmicPurple zei op 8 sep 2015 - 17:42:
-raises hand-
Ik begin met 2K als doel.
En ik zal zo gauw mogelijk de resultaten van de vorige keer, die ik heb moeten oplijsten voor mijn eindwerk, fanficiseren en hier ergens op het forum gooien, voor het geval mensen daar info en tips willen uithalen.


Bodine is offline

Bodine zei op 8 sep 2015 - 17:47:
You would be my queen.


xDevilBitch is offline

xDevilBitch zei op 8 sep 2015 - 18:12:
Mijn goodreads. Mijn oktober is ziek druk, maar ik lees elke dag in de trein, dus mijn doel mag wel ok 3k.


Kayley is offline

Kayley zei op 8 sep 2015 - 18:14:
• 1 | Gone Girl, Gillian Flynn, 555 pagina's:
On a warm summer morning in North Carthage, Missouri, it is Nick and Amy Dunne’s fifth wedding anniversary. Presents are being wrapped and reservations are being made when Nick’s clever and beautiful wife disappears. Husband-of-the-Year Nick isn’t doing himself any favors with cringe-worthy daydreams about the slope and shape of his wife’s head, but passages from Amy's diary reveal the alpha-girl perfectionist could have put anyone dangerously on edge. Under mounting pressure from the police and the media—as well as Amy’s fiercely doting parents—the town golden boy parades an endless series of lies, deceits, and inappropriate behavior. Nick is oddly evasive, and he’s definitely bitter—but is he really a killer?

• 2 | Neverwhere, Neil Gaiman, 370 pagina's:
Under the streets of London there's a place most people could never even dream of. A city of monsters and saints, murderers and angels, knights in armour and pale girls in black velvet. This is the city of the people who have fallen between the cracks.

Richard Mayhew, a young businessman, is going to find out more than enough about this other London. A single act of kindness catapults him out of his workday existence and into a world that is at once eerily familiar and utterly bizarre. And a strange destiny awaits him down here, beneath his native city: Neverwhere.

• 3 | Afterworlds, Scott Westerfeld, 599 pagina's:
Darcy Patel has put college and everything else on hold to publish her teen novel, Afterworlds. Arriving in New York with no apartment or friends she wonders whether she's made the right decision until she falls in with a crowd of other seasoned and fledgling writers who take her under their wings…

Told in alternating chapters is Darcy's novel, a suspenseful thriller about Lizzie, a teen who slips into the 'Afterworld' to survive a terrorist attack. But the Afterworld is a place between the living and the dead and as Lizzie drifts between our world and that of the Afterworld, she discovers that many unsolved - and terrifying - stories need to be reconciled. And when a new threat resurfaces, Lizzie learns her special gifts may not be enough to protect those she loves and cares about most.

• 4 | On the Jellicoe Road, Melina Marchetta, 290 pagina's:
At age eleven, Taylor Markham was abandoned by her mother. At fourteen, she ran away from boarding school, only to be tracked down and brought back by a mysterious stranger. Now seventeen, Taylor's the reluctant leader of her school's underground community, whose annual territory war with the Townies and visiting Cadets has just begun. This year, though, the Cadets are led by Jonah Griggs, and Taylor can't avoid his intense gaze for long. To make matters worse, Hannah, the one adult Taylor trusts, has disappeared. But if Taylor can piece together the clues Hannah left behind, the truth she uncovers might not just settle her past, but also change her future.

• 5 | The Vast Fields of Ordinary, Nick Burd, 309 pagina's:
It's Dade's last summer at home. He has a crappy job at Food World, a "boyfriend" who won't publicly acknowledge his existence (maybe because Pablo also has a girlfriend), and parents on the verge of a divorce. College is Dade's shining beacon of possibility, a horizon to keep him from floating away.

Then he meets the mysterious Alex Kincaid. Falling in real love finally lets Dade come out of the closet - and, ironically, ignites a ruthless passion in Pablo. But just when true happiness has set in, tragedy shatters the dreamy curtain of summer, and Dade will use every ounce of strength he's gained to break from his past and start fresh with the future.

• 6 | The God of Small Things, Arundhati Roy, 340 pagina's:
The year is 1969. In the state of Kerala, on the southernmost tip of India, fraternal twins Esthappen and Rahel fashion a childhood for themselves in the shade of the wreck that is their family. Their lonely, lovely mother, Ammu, (who loves by night the man her children love by day), fled an abusive marriage to live with their blind grandmother, Mammachi (who plays Handel on her violin), their beloved uncle Chacko (Rhodes scholar, pickle baron, radical Marxist, bottom-pincher), and their enemy, Baby Kochamma (ex-nun and incumbent grandaunt). When Chacko's English ex-wife brings their daughter for a Christmas visit, the twins learn that things can change in a day, that lives can twist into new, ugly shapes, even cease forever, beside their river...


xDevilBitch is offline

xDevilBitch zei op 8 sep 2015 - 18:19:
Hé, ik ga eens kijken of ik The Vast Fields of Ordinary ergens kan vinden, want Cap heeft me die aangeraden en dan kan ik met je fangirlen


Kayley is offline

Kayley zei op 8 sep 2015 - 18:21:
I'm all for buddy reads. Als we een bepaald boek met velen/z'n allen willen lezen, ben ik echt helemaal bereid iets van mijn lijst te halen om er plaats voor te maken. :3


1Dzayn is offline

1Dzayn zei op 8 sep 2015 - 18:36:
Misschien dat ik dit ga gebruiken om m'n verplichte boeken voor school erdoorheen te jagen.


Bodine is offline

Bodine zei op 8 sep 2015 - 19:06:
Ik ga mezelf heel erg uitdagen (maar echt heel erg) en m'n doel zetten op 2004 pagina's. Dat wordt:
• 1 | Boy Meets Boy, David Levithan, 185 pagina's:
When high school sophomore Paul meets Noah, he thinks he's found the one--until he blows it. This happy, meaningful romantic comedy is about finding love, losing love, and doing what it takes to get love back in a crazy-wonderful world.

• 2 | Vloed, Roderik Six, 262 pagina's:
Een helse regen geselt al maanden de aarde. Vanaf het dak van een peda kijken vier studenten toe hoe de stad langzaam onder water loopt. Overleven is een dagtaak geworden. Terwijl de jongeren de verveling verdrijven met seks, alcohol en de nieuwe synthetische drug Ultra kruipt het water onverbiddelijk hoger en hoger.

• 3 | The Ocean At the End of the Lane, Neil Gaiman, 178 pagina's:
Sussex, England. A middle-aged man returns to his childhood home to attend a funeral. Although the house he lived in is long gone, he is drawn to the farm at the end of the road, where, when he was seven, he encountered a most remarkable girl, Lettie Hempstock, and her mother and grandmother. He hasn't thought of Lettie in decades, and yet as he sits by the pond (a pond that she'd claimed was an ocean) behind the ramshackle old farmhouse, the unremembered past comes flooding back. And it is a past too strange, too frightening, too dangerous to have happened to anyone, let alone a small boy.

Forty years earlier, a man committed suicide in a stolen car at this farm at the end of the road. Like a fuse on a firework, his death lit a touchpaper and resonated in unimaginable ways. The darkness was unleashed, something scary and thoroughly incomprehensible to a little boy. And Lettie—magical, comforting, wise beyond her years—promised to protect him, no matter what.

• 4 | Breaktime, Aidan Chambers, 133 pagina's:
What begins as a game for Ditto—the refutation of his friend Morgan’s Charges Against Literature—quickly escalates into a multilevel challenge. After Ditto’s father suffers a heart attack in the middle of one of their fights, Ditto decides he has to get away for a few days to sort out his life. His chronicle of his experiences becomes his rebuttal to Morgan’s Charges. But is this thought-provoking examination of people and ideas all fact . . . or fiction? Aidan Chambers leaves it up to the reader to decide in this novel that Publishers Weekly calls “excruciatingly funny as well as touching.”

• 5 | Dance On My Grave, Aidan Chambers, 247 pagina's:
In this revelatory, groundbreaking novel, the love of sixteen-year-old Hal Robinson for self-confident Barry Gorman is revealed through Hal’s own observations, press clippings, and the scattered notes of a social worker. These various perspectives contribute to an extraordinarily sensitive portrait of the intensity of first love.

• 6 | Angelfall, Susan Ee, 326 pagina's:
It's been six weeks since angels of the apocalypse descended to demolish the modern world. Street gangs rule the day while fear and superstition rule the night. When warrior angels fly away with a helpless little girl, her seventeen-year-old sister Penryn will do anything to get her back.

Anything, including making a deal with an enemy angel.

Raffe is a warrior who lies broken and wingless on the street. After eons of fighting his own battles, he finds himself being rescued from a desperate situation by a half-starved teenage girl.

Traveling through a dark and twisted Northern California, they have only each other to rely on for survival. Together, they journey toward the angels' stronghold in San Francisco where she'll risk everything to rescue her sister and he'll put himself at the mercy of his greatest enemies for the chance to be made whole again.

• 7 | Percy Jackson #3: The Titan's Curse, Rick Riordan, 312 pagina's:

• 8 | Percy Jackson #4: The Battle of the Labyrinth, Rick Riordan, 361 pagina's:


Kayley is offline

Kayley zei op 8 sep 2015 - 19:07:
Ik zie zoveel van mijn invloed in je lijstje. :'


Bodine is offline

Bodine zei op 8 sep 2015 - 20:11:
De helft is op aanraden van jou. Twee door Cap en één door Daan en één omdat 'ie ergens bij zat.

xNadezhda is offline

xNadezhda zei op 8 sep 2015 - 21:27:
Yay! Ik ga binnenkort mijn lijstje maken, mijn moeder is me al maanden boeken aan het aanraden. Nu heb ik eindelijk een incentive om naar haar te luisteren. (:


Kayley is offline

Kayley zei op 24 sep 2015 - 10:00:
Bump, want dit begint in een week!


Eliros is offline

Eliros zei op 24 sep 2015 - 10:14:
Ik weet nog niet welke boeken ik ga lezen, maar ik denk dat mijn doel 1.5K wordt? Dus, like, zo'n 50 woorden per dag, ish.


xjeszell is offline

xjeszell zei op 24 sep 2015 - 10:15:
bladzijden, Elise. hahahah
Ik ga thuis een lijstje maken. ^.^

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