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Home » CosmicPurple

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Pasfoto van CosmicPurple

Captain Dorothy

CosmicPurple is offline 

Aleka's attic


Weaving webs


Kort iets over CosmicPurple:
«i am a silent guardian,
complete with bat ears and cape.
fight me.»

all God does is watch us and kill us when we get boring.
we must never, ever be boring.

adult but bad at life.
angry queer feminist with a switchblade mouth.
always sinning, never sorry.

Statistieken van CosmicPurple

2 maanden 1 dagen 5 uur 3 minuten 6 seconden

17 maart 2024 - 20:40

7 jan 2009 - 22:26



FanFiction van CosmicPurple

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Gastenboek van CosmicPurple

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Kayley zei op 3 feb 2015 - 18:21:
I've Come To Burn Your Kingdom Down

MoonRocker zei op 27 jan 2015 - 1:28:
*hug* *thee* <3

YarahartBill zei op 23 jan 2015 - 20:48:
Hmm... I think I'm gonna choose DC. And maybe after that MTV. First wanna see what the crowd thinks of the docu.

YarahartBill zei op 23 jan 2015 - 18:37:
Both of them arrived at the same time. Discovery wants to make a docu about my hair. MTV a series. What should I choose?

YarahartBill zei op 23 jan 2015 - 10:18:
Good! Can't wait till one of them shows up. Thanks for hiring. <3

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