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Home » LindjeX1DX

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Lindy Valentine Irwin Horan

LindjeX1DX is offline 

In a land full of unicorns <3


Fangirlen, Shoppen, Voetballen, Tennissen, Korfballen, Afspreken, Dreaming, And more Fangirling.. =)


Kort iets over LindjeX1DX:

But baby if you say you want me to stay
I’ll change my mind
Cause I don’t wanna know I’m walking away
If you’ll be mine
Won’t go, won’t go, won't go, ohhh
So baby if you say you’ll want me to stay, stay for the night
I’ll change my mind

29'07'2000 I Was Born <3
23'07'2010 One Direction As A Band <3
21'02'2013 Met My Bestie Melina <3
07'05'2014 Met My Bestie Anne <3
29'05'2014 - 1'06'2014 Paris With Bestie Melina <3
24'06'2014 5 Seconds Of Summer A'dam ArenA <3
24'06'2014 One Direction WWA Tour A'dam ArenA <3
27'06'2014 Cody Simpson Acoustic Tour Eindhoven Effenaar <3
08'07'2014 Best Schoolparty Ever! Holi Shit! <3
26'10'2014 First FanficMeeting <3
20'05'2015 5 Seconds Of Summer ROWYSO Tour A'dam ZiggoDome <3
20'02'2016 Sleeping With Sirens MADNESS Tour A'dam Melkweg <3
14'05'2017 Ariana Grande Dangerous Woman Tour A'dam Ziggodome <3
01'06'2017 Powerfest Sleeping With Sirens and Pierce The Veil A'dam Melkweg <3
13'06'2017 Guus Meeuwis Groost met een zachte G <3
13'10'2017 All Time Low The Renegades World Tour <3
25'09'2019 Little Mix LM5 The Tour <3

She's so out of reach, and I'm finding it hard cause
She makes me feel, makes me feel,
Like I try, like I try, like I'm trying too hard,
Cause I'm not being me, and it's getting me down
She makes me think, makes me think,
That I try, that I try, that I'm trying too hard again
Cause I'm trying too hard again

I've Known You Since My Birth And You're Always There For Me

I'v Met You At A Training At School And You're My Little Monster

Livin' a life of misery, always there, just underneath
Hauntin' me, quietly alone (it's killin' me, killin' me)
Dead & gone, what's done is done, you were all I have become
I'm lettin' go of what I once believed so goodbye agony

Hold on, don't look back,
You know we're better, we're better than that
Lost and thrown away,
You know we're better, we're better than that
We are the strays, woah oh oh,
We are the strays

Keep looking down on me,
I am more than you’ll ever be
Cut me deep but I won’t bleed
You're gonna kick, kick
Kick me when I’m down

I play guitar but she's into drummers

Statistieken van LindjeX1DX

1 weken 3 dagen 8 uur 45 minuten 50 seconden

3 juni 2024 - 13:53

29 maart 2014 - 9:27



FanFiction van LindjeX1DX

Gastenboek van LindjeX1DX

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MelintjeX1DX zei op 20 aug 2014 - 19:12:
Ik zie je vrijdag, bij jou thuis, logeren, naar jou laptop kijkend, lachend, 5sauce luisteren tot diep in de nacht en zaterdag boeken kaften en wijkfeest.

Met andere woorden: i miss you, miss you f* much

Anne zei op 29 juli 2014 - 0:08:
Hi schatje,
Van harte gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag!
Heb een fijne dag vandaag en ik hou van je!

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