Home » LouisatjeXD

Kort iets over LouisatjeXD:
Of what you wish you looked like
Maybe then they just might
Feel an ounce of your pain
Come into focus
Step out of the shadows
It's a losing battle
There's no need to be ashamed
'Cause they don't even know you
All they see is scars
They don't see the angel
Living in your heart
Let them find the real you
Buried deep within
Let them know with all you've got
That you are not your skin
When they start to judge you
Show them your true colors
And do unto others
As you'd have done to you
Just rise above this
Kill them with your kindness
Ignorance is blindness
They're the ones that stand to lose
Statistieken van LouisatjeXD
FanFiction van LouisatjeXD
Door: LouisatjeXD
Categorie: One Direction
Aantal woorden: 16243
Aantal hoofdstukken: 11
Gastenboek van LouisatjeXD

Halleluja kan nu al niet wachten tot je je volgende hoofdstuk post xxx

Hahaha precies, dat komt ik had erop gerekent tot laat op school te zitten dus had geen plannen gemaakt, maar ik had uitval was ik wel blijmee haha

Hoe gaat het ?