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Pasfoto van MCRx30STM


MCRx30STM is offline 

Green Day-land =]


drummen, tekenen, lezen =P


Kort iets over MCRx30STM:

Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge <3
My Chemical Romance <3

Frank Iero is my Hero ^^

Green Day concert was GREAT!! =D

Green Day is my religion, and Billie Joe Armstrong is my God

Team Damon !

"The day you become old is the day you're not looking for new experiences anymore." - Billie Joe Armstrong

"We write music for ourselves and if other people like it, that's great." - Mike Dirnt

"I can count 'till four and repeat. I'm a real drummer." - Tré Cool

"Writing is a socially acceptable form of schizophrenia."

"Sometimes I'm pretending that I'm ok, but most of the time I don't feel that way. But I don't want to hurt you, so I keep on pretending."

Wolverine: Hey! It's me.
Cyclops: Prove it!
Wolverine: You're a dick.
Cyclops: Okay.

Statistieken van MCRx30STM

1 dagen 20 uur 32 minuten

12 jan 2014 - 17:52

14 jan 2009 - 9:26



FanFiction van MCRx30STM

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Aquarius (4 juni 2012 - 21:46)
Door: MCRx30STM
Categorie: Within Temptation
Aantal woorden: 6031
Aantal hoofdstukken: 8
Take care of yourself (16 okt 2011 - 18:14)
Door: MCRx30STM
Categorie: Overige
Aantal woorden: 1506
Aantal hoofdstukken: 1
I wanna be more like you (6 okt 2010 - 21:34)
Door: MCRx30STM
Categorie: Overige
Aantal woorden: 4213
Aantal hoofdstukken: 7
From legend to reality (5 okt 2010 - 19:14)
Door: MCRx30STM
Categorie: Supernatural
Aantal woorden: 12243
Aantal hoofdstukken: 15
When the hunters are working together (15 aug 2010 - 9:15)
Door: MCRx30STM
Categorie: Vampire Diaries
Aantal woorden: 3488
Aantal hoofdstukken: 1

Gastenboek van MCRx30STM

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
judith12 zei op 17 juli 2012 - 11:04:
how are you today, hope fine, I have begun to pick interest on your profile, I feel it might be better than friends and to establish reliable and strong relationships, my name is Judith. email me at (judithfaye@rocketmail.com) so i can send you more of my pictures and tell you more about my self. yours love


XxMangelBxX zei op 30 nov 2011 - 22:42:
Hey Simone! :3

Ik heeeeeeeeeb *tromgeroffel*
EINDELIJK een nieuw hoofdstuk voor Massacre

Don't Want This Again

Misschien wil je 'm lezen :3

XxMangelBxX zei op 7 april 2011 - 18:25:
Massacre, het vervolg van Blood
Het verhaal gaat verder...

FreeHugsPlz zei op 28 feb 2011 - 22:27:

nieuw hoofdstuk van have I been sleeping! Hope you like it~

FreeHugsPlz zei op 25 feb 2011 - 22:56:
nieuw hfst van Have I Been Sleeping With My Eyes Open!


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