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Home » NaNaa

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Pasfoto van NaNaa

Tessa .3.

NaNaa is offline 

Náást Dekkers Mansion


Bitch please, I'm a no-lifer.


Kort iets over NaNaa:

Think before you make up your mind
You don't seem to realize
I can do this on my own
And if I fall I'll take it all
It's so easy after all

Statistieken van NaNaa

1 maanden 2 weken 4 dagen 23 uur 59 minuten 8 seconden

10 okt 2016 - 11:45

28 mei 2009 - 18:48



FanFiction van NaNaa

1 2

Gastenboek van NaNaa

TWINcest zei op 24 sep 2012 - 12:19:

En het is gewoon Piloe ;]

Bodine zei op 24 sep 2012 - 8:36:
You better. ^^

Bodine zei op 23 sep 2012 - 19:22:
HEY. Je zou. Eh. Drie avonden geleden iets hebben dus hoe staat 't ervoor?

Bodine zei op 20 sep 2012 - 18:30:
Wauw. Was that really the best you could come up with?

Bodine zei op 20 sep 2012 - 17:33:
Maar hij is niet simlockvrij en oh life is about to be fucked up once again. And I really don't want to go back to where we once were but it looks like it'll happen anyways. I'm going to - I don't even know but I hate everything right now.