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Home » NaNaa

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Pasfoto van NaNaa

Tessa .3.

NaNaa is offline 

Náást Dekkers Mansion


Bitch please, I'm a no-lifer.


Kort iets over NaNaa:

Think before you make up your mind
You don't seem to realize
I can do this on my own
And if I fall I'll take it all
It's so easy after all

Statistieken van NaNaa

1 maanden 2 weken 4 dagen 23 uur 59 minuten 8 seconden

10 okt 2016 - 11:45

28 mei 2009 - 18:48



FanFiction van NaNaa

1 2

Gastenboek van NaNaa

KolaLollie zei op 27 juli 2011 - 23:08:
nee,niets. ikverveeldemegewoon. ^^''

KolaLollie zei op 27 juli 2011 - 19:31:

MissColfer zei op 26 juli 2011 - 2:55:
Sometimes i really feel useless i don't know why.
Do you have msn? If you don;t wanna give it's okay i understand

MissColfer zei op 26 juli 2011 - 2:52:
Yeah you are right at that. Sometimes i'm on Quizlet and i see a topic and i want to interupt the kinda ignore me

MissColfer zei op 26 juli 2011 - 2:48:
Hehe, i also speak english but it sucks
Youknow i'm really scared to say something wrong and people are starting to hate me. That is the thing i'm affraid of.