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Home » NaNaa

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Tessa .3.

NaNaa is offline 

Náást Dekkers Mansion


Bitch please, I'm a no-lifer.


Kort iets over NaNaa:

Think before you make up your mind
You don't seem to realize
I can do this on my own
And if I fall I'll take it all
It's so easy after all

Statistieken van NaNaa

1 maanden 2 weken 4 dagen 23 uur 59 minuten 8 seconden

10 okt 2016 - 11:45

28 mei 2009 - 18:48



FanFiction van NaNaa

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Gastenboek van NaNaa

Bodine zei op 29 okt 2012 - 20:03:
By the way. I don't know why it strikes me now, but - wasn't it like. Eleven songs on regular, fourteen songs on yearbook? Why are there seventeen all of a sudden? I mean. I mean. Huh.

Bodine zei op 29 okt 2012 - 19:59:
God I can't.
En het is zo fucking grappig want met ToHo heb ik er nooit zoveel moeite mee gehad.
Maar. Dat is. Omdat. Dit is ánders. Dit is. Zo van. "Wow, hebben ze echt eindelijk echt een mooi nummer gemaakt?" [nietdatzeernietéénoftweehaddenmaarjesnaptme] enmetToHowashetzovan. Anders. Want. Ikweetnietwaarommaar. Arghik. Ik. Neeikdoehetniet. Maardetijdmoetevenheelsnelgaanwantikwilhethorenen. Takemehomeen. Theydon'tknowaboutus. En. *_*

Bodine zei op 29 okt 2012 - 19:48:
Oh & wat ik ook las is 1. Larry is real want Harry en Louis' solo's zijn na elkaar.
2. Louis' tops want hij topt één of ander stukje/noot/whatevz.
Okay dat waren de iets minder intelligente dingen die ertussen stonden. Maarmaarmaar. Maar. Oooooh. ELF DAGEN ELF DAGEN ELF DAGEN.

Bodine zei op 29 okt 2012 - 19:46:
I kneuw, but people always say everything is Larry even when it's not. But. I mean. You could make everything Larry if you wanted to. But since they did not write the song, why would it be? I mean. It's not like Ed thought "oeh let's write a song about my homosexual friends". It's not like they will shoot a clip like Lego house. Would be a-ma-zing though. But they won't. I mean... haha. No. Or if they do I'll be forever surprised but they won't. Anyhow. So. Yeah that. And. Mwijeoajef. aowjiefoawjie. ojwiefoawijef. I can't wait to hear it oh my gay. Oh. <3

Bodine zei op 29 okt 2012 - 19:01:
& to make things even better: Jared shaved his beard off. :]