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Home » Reactiongirl

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Reactiongirl is offline 





Kort iets over Reactiongirl:

There's that one thing about you that keeps me thinking up all night wishing you were mine. Your
cheeky smile is what makes you beautiful but
everything about you is so wonderful and amazing.
I always make the same mistakes when talking to
you; I wish I would stop being a fool but I want you
to know, it's gotta be you that should be with me.
And even if you are taken, tell me a lie and let me
save you tonight in my arms. I need you more than
. More than anything. You stole my heart but you
don't need to give it back... Ever.


Tumblr ~ Twitter ~ WeHeartIt ~ Polyvore.

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1 weken 3 dagen 10 uur 5 minuten 3 seconden

22 juni 2021 - 21:47

7 juni 2010 - 20:41



FanFiction van Reactiongirl

Gastenboek van Reactiongirl

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wordslover zei op 25 feb 2012 - 18:56:
Yeaah, thankyou [:


justAgirl zei op 25 feb 2012 - 18:09:
NIEUW HOOFDSTUK lucky charms (':
Laten jullie een reactie achter please?
en sorry voor de cliffhanger

Celestial zei op 25 feb 2012 - 17:57:
Haaay! Srry van eerst....

Hermelien zei op 25 feb 2012 - 13:53:
Jaaa -.-
Oh school het verkloot alles :3
Ik kijk er aan de ene kant wel naar uit, om weer wat dingen uit te halen met vriendinnen >.< Maar de lessen kunnen mij gestolen worden xd
Damned I need to go to ;(
Ik spreek je heel gauw lieverd!

Hermelien zei op 25 feb 2012 - 13:40:
Jaaa alles gaat supahdupahgreat >.<
Met jouuu ?
I've missed you

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