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Home » Reactiongirl

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Kort iets over Reactiongirl:

There's that one thing about you that keeps me thinking up all night wishing you were mine. Your
cheeky smile is what makes you beautiful but
everything about you is so wonderful and amazing.
I always make the same mistakes when talking to
you; I wish I would stop being a fool but I want you
to know, it's gotta be you that should be with me.
And even if you are taken, tell me a lie and let me
save you tonight in my arms. I need you more than
. More than anything. You stole my heart but you
don't need to give it back... Ever.


Tumblr ~ Twitter ~ WeHeartIt ~ Polyvore.

Statistieken van Reactiongirl

1 weken 3 dagen 10 uur 5 minuten 3 seconden

22 juni 2021 - 21:47

7 juni 2010 - 20:41



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Gastenboek van Reactiongirl

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justAgirl zei op 17 jan 2012 - 15:45:
haha Avery ziet er Ongeveer zo uit

dankjewel voor je reactie liefjee<3

justAgirl zei op 16 jan 2012 - 16:00:
OO2. Love is a heartbreak away
Laat asjeblieft een reaactie achter!!<3

justAgirl zei op 15 jan 2012 - 22:09:
[/center]Friendship is like a perennial river which flows forever.
It may change it's path but will never ever dry up.


justAgirl zei op 15 jan 2012 - 19:03:
minee too. Ik ben echt gewoon, gek op ze.

justAgirl zei op 15 jan 2012 - 18:43:
Love is just a heartbreak away || One Direction


Het eerste echte hoofdstuk is er. Please let me know what you think!?

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