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Richelle Horan

Richelle is offline 



Zingen, Gitaar spelen, Piano spelen, Dansen, Tekenen, Lachen, Muziek luisteren en slapen


Kort iets over Richelle:

I <3 Narry, Met Ruby c:
Mah horseh

We lost some amazing Directioners.
They killed themselves because of hate from our own family. Our 'family' sent hate to larry shippers because of Channel 4. Can I say this? Larry shippers arent at fault, we arent wrong or anything like that. Channel 4 wanted us to look bad, to make us seem sick and crazy and to the extreme. They spoke to something like 10girls? Out of what? 2billion fans? Dont blame the rest of us because of them. They went to the extreme but most of us don't. Because of your hate we lost over forty people. They committed suicide.
I'm ashamed to say I'm in this fandom, I will never be ashamed of the boys I will love them and fangirl but this fandom isnt a fandom. Its a disgrace. In just over a year we have hurt our own family. Not all of you did and some of you are amazing, you support the boys through and through but some of you? Need to get the hell out of our kitchen because you no longer belong here.
The boys must be disgusted with us to see this is what we have become, were destroying our fandom, our friends, our lives, over them. And were hurting them too. If the only way to save our boys, to stop the hurting and the pain was to quit the fandom so it no longer existed I would do it. I would do it for them to stop all this. I would still be a top fan but the fandom wouldn't exist, I would love them and stalk them but I wouldn't go the extremes.
I say. Stop fighting with The Wanted fans, both bands admitted that the media made it worse then what it was. Why cant we be friends with other fandoms? Be in other fandoms? Ship who we like? I mean isnt that the point of loving music and bands? I'm saying to to stop other people from other fandoms and our own from doing what has happened. Its ok not to like them but to hate them and judge them? You dont have to the right because in reality no matter what you say, you dont know a thing about them. You just know by what the media has said.
I want to say this. To the people who died, you may no longer be here but you're deaths will not be in vain. Hopefully it will show our fandom what it used to be, how we used to fangirl over one picture of them, how we watched the video diaries till we knew it back to front, how we made jokes about larry and the boys. Hopefully it will stop all this pointless stuff with like fighting with the swifites and other fandoms. Maybe we can actually stop being so obsessed and go back to having fun and loving other artists. I'm heartbroken by the fact the only way to maybe get our fandom to be a fandom is to lose beautiful directioners. But you will never be forgotten, and some of us will do our best to make sure we lose no more.
Lets go back to being our loving fandom who can joke with other fandoms who can laugh at the ships at the weird jokes about the boys. Who will support them through thick and thin. Why don't we just re-start? Why no re-start the whole fandom? We dont have favorite boys, we have no ships for the boys either. Why dont we go back to being directioners?
Sorry for the rant but this killed me knowing our fandom did this. You may judge me for it but on some things I'm right. Especially about the fact our fandom is to the point it is overboard and needs to stop. Please just think about it? I was a Larry shipper and Niam. But now I ship nothing, I wont juge other people for it, all I can see is five best friends touring the world and living their lives out.

95% of Directioners would scream and cry if One Direction jumped off a cliff. Put this on your profile if you'd be the 5% at the bottom, ready to catch them

Statistieken van Richelle

18 uur 20 minuten 13 seconden

15 dec 2013 - 22:24

2 aug 2013 - 9:29



FanFiction van Richelle

Gastenboek van Richelle

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IrelandGeek zei op 17 sep 2013 - 16:17:
Nieuw hoofdstuk Wherever I fall you catch me

' Mam, hij is geen vriend hij...hij...'
' Hij?'
' Hij is GEEN vriend!'

1Dzayn zei op 16 sep 2013 - 19:08:
Je Sa staat al een tijdje online, maar volgens mij heb je hem nog steeds niet gelezen.
Niet vergeten he :p

xoxo <3

Lotteimy zei op 16 sep 2013 - 18:24:
Maybe he's just trying to test me.
Wanna see how hard I'm gonna work...

Na een paar weken eindelijk weer een nieuw hoofdstuk van The Wizard, Chapter 32 (We komen al bijna bij het einde...!)


IloveZayn zei op 15 sep 2013 - 16:05:
Heey lijkt het je misschien leuk om mee te lezen met mijn fanfiction over Harry Styles?
Klik dan hier om het te lezen
Ik heb er ook een trailer bij gemaakt als je die wil zien
I hope you like it !

1Dzayn zei op 15 sep 2013 - 15:42:
Een nieuw hoofdstuk van They are Dangerous vind je hier

Ivana en Lianne

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