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In myn eigen fantasiewereldje.


Schrijven, Tekenen en muziek luisteren. EN foto's maken én gitaar spelen én vals zingen én keyboard spelen én sporten (hardlopen/volleybal) én leuke dingen met vriend(inn)en doen én mijn nagels lakken $: én lezen én fantasiequotes


Kort iets over Sorrowmysoul:
Haaaaaai ;d
Welcome to my profilee.

When you see my face
Hope it gives you hell,
Hope it gives you hell!

When you walk my way,
Hope it gives you hell!
Hope it gives you hell!

M, Q and K, You're my angels in the night.

About me:
* I love my friends.
* I love cookies and chocolate.
* I love music.
* I love sunglasses.
* I love Amsterdam.
* I like reading story's of other people. So if you want me to read your story, just ask!
* I like reading nice things in my guestbook.
* I like twilight story's.
* I like love story's.
* If you don't like me. It's your problem.
* If you hate me. It's your problem.
* If my English isn't that good. It's the problem of school.
* If you like me. Just tell.
* If you love me. Just tell.
* If I've forgotten something. I don't care.
* I love the word fack and I love What the fack.
* And now I don't know what to write. So this is the end.

En oja ik ben super levenloos en kei nutteloos enseuw maar ik heb er schijt aan xd En ik heb ontdekt dat ik té veel fantasie heb

Myn eigenbedachte zinnetjes {& Ander leuke zinnetjes}:
* Life is like a game 'mens-erger-je-niet'. When anyone is trying to kill you, you're off the game.
* Life is like a book. At any time the story ends.
* Love is like a fly. When you try to catch it, it flies away. When you don't try, it flies in your eye.
* My life is like a mask. I try to hide everything.
* I don't know what is right or real anymore.
* Boy, show me what you've got.
* Why can't I find anyone like me ?
* I'm lonely, very lonely and if he wasn't there, I was died.
* Silence! He kills me.
* Damn! You're so facking hot.

* Congretionlations, you're the biggest facking loser I've ever met.
* Love is like the wind, you can't see it, but you do feel it.
* You're just the same as that other people; a liar!
* It are crazy times, you don't know what to expect.
* Why can't I stop loving you?
* The weather is just like me. Unpredictable.
* If pink is the new black, what is the new pink?
* I'm just singing, because I'm crazy about you.
* Time doesn't matter, place doesn't matter, I'll be there for you.
* My life is like a mystery, nobody knows all about it.

* I know you're crazy.
* If I'm crazy what do you are?
* If I'm stupid, I don't care. When I've music it doesn't matter.
* Food is just like music. You can't live without it.
* I'm not totaly crazy, I've just not all of the pieces.
* If I see you, the time goes to fast.
* You don't know anything about me and you never did to!
* People think they know me, but if they do, why aren't they there for me?
* School is weird. IF you come, they learn nothing to you. If you don't come, it's the end of the world.
* If people like me or even love me, why don't they say that to me?

* Why are girls so mean?
* Why is the rest of the world so big and I so small?
* Why can't I be just like other people?
* Clowns are scary, just like some boys. They think they are funny, but they aren't.
* Parents think they are smart, but they aren't. You just have to play you're stupid.
* I'm not stupid! It just look likes so.
* Why can't I trust somebody?
* Teachers are scary. They try to explain you something, but it doesn't work at all.
* I don't want to be rich and famous. All I want is you.
* How can you love and hate somebody at the same time?

* Why scared of spiders. They don't bite, I do!
* A pen is like the light. Always off at stupid times.
* He's so secret as the night, but I still love him.
* My eyes are lost in yours.
* Life is like a drama. Everybody is trying to make it worser than it is.
* Just live you life.
* Love is the power of life. When you don't have love, where do you live for?
* I'm a dramaqueen and when it all goes wrong... I'll be still a dramaqueen.
* You're like my angel. When I need you, you're there. And when you ever need me. I'll try to be there to.
* When everything seems to go wrong. Just close your eyes and give me your hand. Then we are going to fly away... far away. To the world of happyness.

* I'm trying to fly away, but you're holding me down.
* When I'm with you, everything is all right.
* Even when it rains, you're my sunshine.
* Love is like flowers. He smells great!
* Music is my life. I'm addicted to music.
* Even when I try to be normal, it doesn't work.
* A war is normal, when someone breaks your lollypop.
* When It's raining men, It isn't really normal, but then you can choose...
* Chocolate is the thing that cheer me up when I'm feeling down.
* It can be the coldest day of my life. When I see you, I get it so damn hot!

* Strange and crazy children are the futur of this life.
* Have you ever seen crazy monkeys? I have one. He calls dad.
* If I'm alone at a crossroad, I think I can't choose the right way. I'm just to weak.
* Sometimes I want to fly away.
* If everything is crazy, Than I am normal.
* I'm trying to run away from the reality and to hide myself in my own world.
* He's just like a dream, just an ordinary dream.
* Why can't time go faster?
* You can say I'm to young to know what is going on in this world.
If you say that, you're absolutly right!
* Smoking is bad for your healty, but some people are worser than smoking.

* When I can't sleep, I just think of history and it all comes so fast!
* If you're allergic to unpopulair children or children who go their own way, you can better leave me by now.
* Incredible how things can change!
* My fantasy is just like some stories. I'm so into them that I for a moment don't see the reality.
* Some people are just like a bus. Everything goes on time.
* The best thing of school are the holidays.
* The Nederlands are just like swimming. You'll get wet.
* Breaking a law is one of the best things you can do in life.
* I love chicken, also if it's a dish.
* Christmas time is the best time in the year.

* Young people are the futur.
* Today it's a year ago, that it also was the 25 of June.
* When everything seems to be right, you've a very big problem.
* Why can't some people just be accept. If everyone would be the same, than the world would be so boring.
* If you're sad, just listen to music.
* We dance on the rythm of our heart.
* Maybe the world is right now up side down.
* Some people really need to get hurt.
* My fantasy is just to big. I always see things that doesn't exist.
* Jealousy is a bad character property, but if you say lie is even better, you're so damn wrong.

* Alone, in my own fantasy world.
* I'm sorry. I can't be perfect. But you can!
* Damn, why are some people so fxcking hot?
* Crazyness makes the world.
* Without some people, I wouldn't live anymore.
* Better one horse at the gridiron {=Voetbalveld}, than nine horses in your bedroom.
* Why couldn't I stop missing you?
* Clothes make the man. But the woman makes the clothes.
* If there was a wall between boy and girl, the world would see much uglier.
* I must go outside. The sunshine is screaming for me.

* Lonelyness is sometimes really good!
* Cause I'm the only one in the world, that won't be home.
* Come to the dark side, we've got lollypops.
* Without plants, I couldn't live.
* Music is the thing that make me move.
* If you can't trust anyone, you're whole alone.
* Sometimes it's better to don't say anything.
* The best things in the world are unattainable {=Onbereikbaar}
* You're the best damn thing that my eyes have ever seen!
* I just sing this song, to make you feel better.

* Sometimes somebody is so special for you, that you think it´s family.
* If you don´t want to get bored, just steal your brothers sunglasses.
* Right at the moment, I´m thinking of you.
* If you´re a boy and you don´t want to get bored, just try to walk on the shoes of your sister.
* Sometimes it´s strange how good people know you.
* If you wanna have fun in this life, fantasy is enough!
* If you wanna have fun in this life, just throw your school books out of the window.
* My head is to little to remember all of that boring school things, but my head is big enough to have a lot of fantasy.
* I want it all!
* Ever seen a boy walking on shoes of a girl? Just look to my brothers.

* Ever seen a girl walking on shoes of her father? Just look to me.
* Ever seen a girl that is all abroad (=Blunderen) all the day? I have.
* Cause everytime I speak you, I get that special feeling.
* Some people are just to cool for this world.
* Some people don´t have time to learn, because they dream away in their own world.
* If i´m bored, I´m gonna rock ya!
* I really enjoy to think of these kind of things.
* If I don´t have any time left, then I will make time.
* Some people are ever more stupid then I am.
* Teachers are just there to bullying you.

* Ones in you'll find someone, who will turn your world up side down.
* The most problems begin by youself.
* I can like somebody, who I haven't seen before.
* How can some people eat at ten hours pm?
* Why can't you buy brothers and playgrounds on internet?
* I'm not whole crazy, just a little bit.
* Go ask Michelle.
* You are even more mysterious than my life.
* Why are school lessons always so boring?
* With art, you can draw the past, the present and the futur.

* Come closer...
* Right here, Right now, nothing is impossible.
* Crying all over the rainbow.
* Black is the new color of the rainbow.
* Shoes are to walk on, not to kill somebody.
* Brothers are just like the wind, when you need them, they aren't there.
* 'Cause everybody is al little bit crazy.
* Deep inside, I'm a blondine.
* Crazyness ist the new lifestyle.
* Right here, Right now, I'm so damn bored.

* A real good friend is someone who cares about you.
* A real good friend is someone who makes you happy when you're sad.
* A real good friend is someone you can trust.
* A real good friend is hard to find in this life.
* A real good friend is someone who will never let you alone.
* A real good friend is someone who will try to help you with everything.
* Nothing is better than a real good friend, except a real good friend with chocolate.
* I've some really good friends.

* Me, thinking about yesterday.
* When I'm a ghost, I go to the people of bol.com.
* 'Cause you're still the person I felt in love with.
* Everybody is different.
* There is just one person in my life who understand everything about me.
* When I look into your eyes, I know everything is gonna be all right.
* No one can getting away of what I feel for you.
* Dancing like there is no one else.
* And we´ll meet one day, far away, and say I wish I met you before.
* But now I want to be free.

* Where I´m gonna sleep tonight?
* Where is life about?
* The boys and the girls are losing their heads.
* And you´re reading this thing an think, where is that child gonna sleep tonight?
* Clothes make the man, but the woman makes the clothes.
* Wake up, on a saterday-night.
* I´m not lucky, not by games an not in the love.
* If you don´t make your own choises, You´re not gonna make it in this world.
* If you´ve a diary, everyone can read you darkest secrets.

* I know how I feel about you now.
* ´Cause we´re forever.
* I´m not scared anymore, because of you.
* Time goes by.
* Boy are just like little children. When you know their weakest places, you can control them.
* Thunder destroys more than you have.
* Cars live on gasoline, I live on cassis and chocolate.
* Some people change that much, that I can't love them anymore.
* We've both made mistakes and the scarfs won't heal before we're back together.

[red]* Sometimes you don't want things to remember, but you'll have to. Only because you can't forget them.
* I hear them screaming again. And I can't take it. It has to stop. I have to get out of here.

The end. ;'d.

Statistieken van Sorrowmysoul

1 dagen 57 minuten 56 seconden

2 juli 2011 - 19:02

19 juni 2009 - 20:01



FanFiction van Sorrowmysoul

Stand Alone's. (17 aug 2009 - 19:27)
Door: Sorrowmysoul
Categorie: Overige
Aantal woorden: 4244
Aantal hoofdstukken: 5
Ik, dood? (30 juni 2009 - 15:20)
Door: Sorrowmysoul
Categorie: Overige
Aantal woorden: 7408
Aantal hoofdstukken: 14

Gastenboek van Sorrowmysoul

Reactiongirl zei op 5 dec 2010 - 19:40:
* Love is like a fly. When you try to catch it, it flies away. When you don't try, it flies in your eye.

Dat is vervelend, van het vliegje bedoel ik