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Home » fallinlove

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In his arms



Kort iets over fallinlove:
By the window to the woods where the deer and creatures play, there is a girl - a dreamer of dreams with a sore heart. She lives there among her books and tea and a measure of heartbreak, loving illustration, pretty things and falling asleep far. Far in to the night.

omdat ik heeeeeeeeeeeeel erg veel van kemperkoekie hou. <3
x soraya

All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost.

From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
A light from the shadows shall spring;
Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
The crownless again shall be king.


One ring the rule them all,
One ring to find them,
One ring to bring them all
And in the darkness bind them.

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8 jan 2011 - 19:32



FanFiction van fallinlove

Gastenboek van fallinlove

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Bumblebee zei op 26 jan 2014 - 21:59:
The Mortal Instruments

City of Darkness

Unwinged and filled with sorrow.
This girl will rise up take the crown.
To a Throne of Grace.
Mortality or Immoratality,
Together or Alone.


Dit is eigelijk een soort Rewrite van City of Shadows.
Maar dan helemaal anders.
Oh! En er is GEEN Clary. Die bestaat niet in mijn verhaal.
Zo... Veel lees plezier!

SuzanneTommo zei op 20 jan 2014 - 12:15:
Thank yaaa !!! Loveyastoriesss

Carrotkuss x

timothy zei op 15 jan 2014 - 19:04:
Hobbit <333

Ims zei op 14 dec 2013 - 15:47:

finally (na zes maanden ofzo) staat er een nieuw stukje van broken mirrors online


Dominique zei op 21 nov 2013 - 16:51:
Zin om mee te lezen met 'Het leven van Jill' ?
Laat gerust je mening of tips achter.


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